Clay's Cell Theory Timeline

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    Aristotle makes ground breaking discoveries in Biology (no exact date given)

    Aristotle makes ground breaking discoveries in Biology (no exact date given)
    -observed how plants and animals reproduced
    -observed sperm and egg cells and their imporance in reproduction
  • Zacharias Jansen invents the MICROSCOPE

    Zacharias Jansen invents the MICROSCOPE
    Jansens microscope allows scientist to observe tiny objects
  • Jan Baptist van Helmont creates recipes for animals

    Jan Baptist van Helmont creates recipes for animals
    -believes spontanous generation is real and that there are recipes for living things
  • Robert Hooke discovers CELLS

    Robert Hooke discovers CELLS
    Discovered small boxes in a piece of cork and called them cells as they looked like the cells where monks lived
  • Leeuwenhoek observes Bacteria

    Leeuwenhoek observes Bacteria
    -observed the nucleuses of red blood cells of salmon
    -first to observe protozoa and bacteria
    -Had a hobby of grinding lenses to use to study tiny objects
  • Lorenz Oken writes "Die Zeugung"

    Lorenz Oken writes "Die Zeugung"
    -Sates that "all organic beings originate from and consist of vesicles or cells"
    -Basically saying cells come from cells and all living beings are made of cells
  • Robert Brown recognized and termed nucleus of a cell

    Robert Brown recognized and termed nucleus of a cell
    Says these nuclei are essential to life of the cell
  • Matthias Schleiden sees importance of cell's nuclei

    Matthias Schleiden sees importance of cell's nuclei
    -Saw importance of nucleas
    -Stated parts of plants are composed of cells
  • Theodor Schwann develops the cell theory

    Theodor Schwann develops the cell theory
    -shows there is no such thing as spontaneous generation
    -cells come from other cells
  • Roelliker cays egg and sperm are cells

    Roelliker cays egg and sperm are cells
    -stated egg cells and sperm cells are, in fact, cells
  • Rudolph Virchow states cells come from cells

    Rudolph Virchow states cells come from cells
    -copied Robert Remak in stating cells coem from preexisting cells
  • Louis Pastuer forms theory of Biogenisis

    Louis Pastuer forms theory of Biogenisis
    -Formed the theory of Biogenisis proving spontaneous generation was wrong