El clasicismo


  • Period: 17 to 18

    Two cultural or scientific timespan of the historical period.

    Classicism is a cultural, aesthetic and intellectual movement that took place in the Western Modern Age (from the 17th to the 18th century) and consisted of the desire to recover or return to the philosophical and artistic patterns of classical antiquity.
  • 490

    An event for the beginning of the historical period of classicism

    An event for the beginning of the historical period of classicism
    The Persian attacks from 490 BC, and archaeologically by the destruction of the Athenian Acropolis in the second of these invasions in 480 BC
  • Two cultural or scientific events of the historical period

    Two cultural or scientific events of the historical period
    The Enlightenment, an intellectual movement promoted by the bourgeoisie and the petty nobility,
  • Two political, economic or social events from the historical period of classicism

    Two political, economic or social events from the historical period of classicism
    “The Encyclopedia” by Diderot and D'Alambert
  • An event for the end of the historical period.

    An event for the end of the historical period.
    1827 year in which Beethoven died