Classical Music

  • instruments

    Basset Clarinet
    French Horn
  • 1750-1830

    Classical music has a lighter, clearer texture than Baroque music is less complex.
  • music

    Music from the Classical period is distinctive in style from what followed
  • Period: to

    Classical Music

  • 1750-1830

    Classical music falls in between the Baroque and Romantic periods.
  • Classical era

    Classical era
    The name classical applied to the period because in art and there was lots of art and literature in that era.
  • Franz Peter Schubert

    he was an Austrian composer who only lived 32 years. None appreacated till he was dead.
  • Composer

    Composers from this period sought dramatic effort striking melodies, also clever melodies.
  • Classical Era

    Classical music is mainly a homophonic-melody above chordal accompaniment
  • Parents

    Some parents pursue music lessons for social reasons or in effort of self-displine.
  • IQ boost

    Mozart music had been popularizied in a book and based on experaments published by Nature suggesting that listening to Mozart boost IQ from 8 to 9.
  • Vinnese

    The first Vinnese school is a name mostly used to refer to three composers of the classical period.
  • Heritage

    The name classical is applied to the period because in art and literature, there was keen interest in, the classical artistic and literary heritage of Greece and Rome.
  • 18th century

    In the middle of the 18th cenyury, Europe began to move in a new style in circnitergtvie know as classicism.
  • Giacomo Antomio Perti

    Giacomo Antomio Perti
    Italian composer, he was Maestro di Cappella for sixty years. He was the teacher of Giuseppe Torelli and Giovanni Battista Martini.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    41 syphonies
    Know for very complezed music.
  • Beethoven

    9 smphonies
    In 1801 he lost his hearing.
    He died in March 26, 1827.
  • Masses

    During the Classical period, masses involved orchestra, soloists, and choir in a fully integrted work, utilizing organizational principles derived from instrumental forms.
  • western

    The dates of the Classical period in Western music are accepted as being between about 1730 and 1820.
  • Classical era

    It was sometimes called as the cisviennese Classic, Classicism