Classical Liberalism Timeline

  • 506 BCE

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Ancient Greek Democracy
    Ancient Greek democracy created the very first principles of classical liberalism. They were the very first known democracy in history. Only adult men were allowed to participate in the democracy, which is not the case for our more modern and developed democracy. This action directly promoted principles of classical liberalism as it allowed every older man to participate in democracy and to also seek their own self-interest with their guaranteed rights and freedoms they were given for being male
  • Period: 506 BCE to

    Classical Liberalism Timeline

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was an official document signed by the King of England, King John. The Magna Carta was a charter in which promises the protection of rights for all citizens. Stated that the barons were protected from illegal imprisonment and punishment. It also set limitations on royalty payments made to the crown. It also demanded justice for any wrongdoings they have been a victim too. The Magna Carta established the rule of law promoting individual rights and freedoms of liberalism
  • 1400

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a time period where thinkers focused on the ancient Greek and Roman teachings of humanism and other philosophical ideas. The Renaissance is most famous for its greatest artistic developments and its economic, political rebirth following the middle ages. It is also very responsible for the promotion of principles of classical liberalism such as improving standards and more people became more interested in acting in their own self-interest. Focused on human wealth, dignity
  • 1517


    The Reformation occurred when the Catholic Church was accused of having too much power and for also being corrupt by a man with the name Martin Luther. Martins's action forced the church to change its ways to be fair for all people of the church. The formation of the Luthern church brought rise to new ideas of rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to as a person. It also made it very clear that absolutely no one shall place them above the law enforcing the rule of the law.
  • 1570

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy
    The Haudenosaunee people created the Great Law of Peace,the Constitution of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy which paved the path of unity and acceptance for all nations. They established different levels of government and also brought women into that specific workforce. They also guaranteed specific rights and freedoms such as the freedom of speech, the right to religion. These actions helped define Liberalism which influenced the Americans to take these principles to form their own constitution.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was a philosophical shift where philosophers shifted their thinking to be more focused on human nature. It also promoted the beliefs and principles of classical liberalism and supported the liberal ideology. Many philosophers still believed in the sacred teachings of the church but to go about it with a more logical argument and reason point of view. Some of the greatest enlightenment thinkers believed these new ideas they are presenting can/will lead to a freer society for all
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was a transition period where old practices in the workforce we replaced by the new manufacturing processes. This was because of the recently adopted practices of liberalism economic principles. Individuals gained the right to vote and own their property/homes. With the rise of big factories and manufacturing plants competition became very evident as the new economic norm that embraces economic freedom, and also increased the standard of living for all citizens.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution is where the Americans declared themselves independent from their mother country of Great Britain using the declaration of independence. Their main form of authority came from the citizens and not the outside rule of the monarchy. These citizens' main goal was to establish economic freedom from Great Britain. The American Revolution embraced a recently formed linguistic society brought along by classical liberalism.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    This event was a drastic attempt to transform the French society solely based on Liberal principles. The French King, Louis XVI was mainly focused on individual self-worth and agency. With the tax burden that the so-called ordinary people paid the French Government still found itself in debt. The revolution overthrew the government and the monarch to establish their own republic. At this time the lower classes of the French society stood up for their individual rights and freedoms.
  • Changes To The Class System

    Changes To The Class System
    The changes made to the class system was abolished and was now being based on individual's wealth and the working status they obtain. Classical Liberalism principles provided individuals an increased opportunity of moving up in a social class while also being able to increase their own wealth. The individual's pursuit of private property and economic success allows them to act in their own self-interest with their individual needs and wants in mind.