Civil War timeline

  • Declaration of Independence ignores slaves.

    Declaration of Independence ignores slaves.
    The Declaration Independence was signed on this date. It talked about how all men are created equal, but not slaves. The document just meant for white men.
  • Gradual Emancipation

    Gradual Emancipation
    The state of Pennsylvania host the Gradual Emancipation. The document states that slave children are free at the age of 28. Also that no new slaves can come to the states.
  • Vermont bans slavery

    Pretty straight forward slavery was abolished in the state of Vermont. Vermont is the 14th state established in the U.S
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest ordinance increase the U.S in the North. The new states that were added was Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, And Wisconsin.
  • 3/5 Comprimise

    3/5 Comprimise
    This law claims that slaves count as three fifths of a person. Which also means that they do not get all the freedom as a white man would get. Things will change in a later date.
  • The Process

    A handful of states up north abolishes slavery. The states were New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.
  • Kentucy's new move

    Kentucy's new move
    The state of Kentucky become the first slave state. They will later eventually become part of the confederate states.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    A man name Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin. This made slaves lives somewhat easier than before. The cotton gin is a man made machine that easily gets seeds out of cotton. This made cotton planters economic life grow faster and better.
  • The Gabriel Prosser Act

    Gabriel Prosser, along with over a ton of slaves, charges at the city of Richmond in Virginia. It was a slaughter of many whites. About 25 people were killed.
  • Slave Trade is starting to get abolished

    Slave Trade is starting to get abolished
    A law has been passed by Congress that slavery is abolished. This law didn't go into affect until the 1860's.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise helped the conflict between what's a free state and what isn't. It made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state. Also a imaginary line was made separating the north and the south on which are slaves states and north not being slave states.
  • Slave and free states

    The state of Missouri may be a slave state, but they are still considered to be part of the union. This happened just to make it even.
  • David Walker

    A man named David Walker publishes a book about his self taught appeal. The title of the book called "David Walker's Appeal." It was for whites and blacks to read.
  • Nat Turner's rebellion

    Nat Turner's rebellion
    Nat Turner was a slave who revolted against whites on slavery. Many slave groups did the same, but Nat's was the most brutal one of all. About 50 slaves including him were executed when caught
  • Gag rule

    Congress came up with a rule that doesn't allow any antislavery possibility to come as a topic. A lot of northern democrats voted for it, ironically.
  • The Republic of Texas

    The Republic of Texas
    Texas finally becomes independent in this year 1836. The Union wouldn't accept Texas because it was known to become a slave state.
  • Harrison and Burren election

    Harrison and Burren election
    William Henry Harryson defeats former president Martin Van Burren. He was from the Liberty political party. They barely won and they also supported black equality.
  • Death of Harrison

    Thirty days after his inauguration speech Harrison dies. He died because of pneumonia. Vice President John Tyler becomes new president. Harrison should have dressed appropriately.
  • Polk election

    Polk election
    James K. Polk becomes president. He barely wins over Whig party member Henry Clay.
  • John Q. Adams repeal

    John Quincy Adams repeal the gag rule. A lot of the south and mostly the north supported Adams on this move. Results is the termination of the gag rule.
  • Recognition

    If it isn't about time. Texas finally enters as a state of the United States.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Around the war against Mexico people were questioning the existing of slavery. North thought it should not exist while the south did.
  • Iowa

    On this day Iowa joins the union. This also means that it is recognized as a free state
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    Gold has finally been discovered in California. This attracted tons of people to come rushing to the state of Cali.
  • The end of the American-Mexican war

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo puts the war to an end. The U.S. gains a ton of land from the west that includes California, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and parts of Texas. This will be known as the next largest land gain for the U.S.
  • Free Soil Party

    People who apposed slavery from the Whig and the Liberty party come together to form a new political party called the Free Soil. They came together to somewhat
  • Taylor election

    Taylor election
    Zachary Taylor becomes president. He was part of the Whig/Free Soil party. He is also known as a Mexican-American war hero.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman is a runaway slave who escaped to the north. She helped over 300 slaves escape
  • Know-Nothing party

    Out of nowhere a party with a name of Know-Nothing came out of nowhere. They start a anti-Catholic/Immigration position in the election.
  • Last Comprimise of 1850

    This document states that California is a free state. New Mexico, Utah, etc still gets to decide.
  • Fillmore fills in

    Fillmore fills in
    Zachary Taylor passes away. Vice President Millard Fillmore fills in the job as Pres.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act made the federal government power over slaves even more great. Escaped or not escaped.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin is a fictional book about the life of a slave. A lot of people from the south didn't like the book all that much. It was the best selling book of that time second to the Bible.
  • Franklin Pierce election

    Franklin Pierce election
    A Democrat named Franklin Pierce becomes president. Also around this time the whig and Free Soil Party dies off.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    This act repeals the Missouri compromise act. This new act gave local communities the choice on what they want to do with slavery. When this happened the Whig party died down and the Republican party start rising up.
  • Wendell Phillips uproar

    A handful of anti-slavery members took over a court house in Boston. Their purpose was to help a slave Anthony Burns escape.
  • Statue of Liberty problem

    Statue of Liberty problem
    American sculptor Thomas Crawford makes a statue of Liberty for the U.S. The statue contained a woman breaking chains. But then later replaced because Americans thought that the statue gave hope to the end of slavery.
  • Margaret Garner case

    Margaret Garner an escaped slaved travels to Ohio for safety with her three children. She tries to kill all three due to fear of becoming slaves, but only manages to kill her daughter. She is later caught then re-enslaved.
  • John Brown situation

    While antislavery is on the rise, a antislavery member John Brown kills 5 proslavery activists. It was a bloody situation for free soil and the proslavery people.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Dred Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom. The case got so high it got to the supreme court. Sadly because he was a slave the supreme court recognized him as a slave instead of a full person so they didn't accept all of his legal rights.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    The two were running for senators for the state of Illinois. Each would speak amongst thousands. Lincoln pulled it off with the victory
  • John Brown back fired

    John Brown and his crew plan to do a raid. But before he know it a lot of his men were killed and captured including him.
  • The execution of John Brown

    In Charlestown, Virginia, John Brown gets killed by getting hanged after being captured. His men including two blacks were killed on a later date
  • Lincoln New Haven Address

    In this speech Republican Lincoln goes on and talks about how slavery is wrong.
  • Honest Abe gets what he deserves

    Honest Abe gets what he deserves
    On this day Abraham Lincoln finally gets elected as president of the United States of America. Lincoln defeats candidates Stephen Douglass, John Bell, and John Breckinridge.
  • South Carolina leaves

    South Carolina leaves
    South Carolina was one of the first states to leave the union. Soon after that a pattern is going to show.