Civil war North vs South

  • Abraham Lincoln for president

    Abraham Lincoln for president
    I think this is important because, this is when it all began really. Abraham lincoln became the 16th president of the United states. He won with 40% popular vote. He will later on get rid of slavery.
  • South Carolina leaves the union

    South Carolina leaves the union
    I think thisis important because, this shows when the nothern states start figuring out the south might win. South Carolina is the first union state to leave. Followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,Georgia, louisianna and texas. This is also an important event.
  • Abraham Lincoln swarn in

    Abraham Lincoln swarn in
    He officially becomes the 16th president. Lot of people were on both sides. Some people love him and others hated him.THis is when America started to fall apart before coming toone again.
  • Cannons fire against Fort Sumter

    Cannons fire against Fort Sumter
    At 4:30 Am the confederates fire cannons against Fort Sumter. They were under General Pierre Beaugard. This unofficially starts the civil war.
  • Proclamation for militiamen

    Proclamation for militiamen
    President Lincoln called on a probclamation for millitiamen. For a special congress meeting on July 4th. I think this is important because it Shows kind of when Lincoln is ready for battle with the south. Things are about to get nasty.
  • President lincol is stopping ports

    President lincol is stopping ports
    Mr.Lincoln is having a proclamation for all of the southern ports so they can keep up with the industrial nort during the war. He is doing that, because the north has alot more weapons and ways to make weapons then the south does.
  • Robert E. Lee is done.

    Robert E. Lee is done.
    General Lee reigns from fighting agains his homeland."I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children." Lee then goes to Richmond, Virginia, is offered command of the military.
  • General war order number 1

    General war order number 1
    President Lincoln issues General War Order No. 1 calling for all United States naval and land forces to begin a general advance by February 22
  • Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee, captures Fort Henry

     Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee, captures Fort Henry
    Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry and ten days later Fort Donnelson. I think this si important because it shows how strong grant was. He was also known as the "unconditional surrenderer"
  • Lee invades North

    Lee invades North
    General Lee Invades North with 50,000 soldiers and heads for Harpers Ferry
  • Frederick Douglas

    Frederick Douglas
    Abraham lincoln meets with Frederick Douglas to discuss the future of "Negro" troops. I think this is interesting because even the south had blacksoldiers beause they fought for their rights. Even though they were slaves they still fought.
  • Western Theatre

    Western Theatre
    President lincoln Tells general Grant to appoint all the army to the western theatre. To tell them all the good news.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    President lincoln goes to Gettysburg to give the famous Gettysburg adress to tell how that area for a ceremony dedicating the battlefield for a ceremony. I think this is aimportant place that they fought during the civil war.
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The us congress passes the thirteenth amendment which abolishes slavery. THis is kind of the point where the war statrs todie down. Now it is illegal to have slaves, Which was the main purpose of this war.
  • Death of the 16th President

    Death of the 16th President
    At 7:22 Am Abraham Lincoln is pronounced dead at the local hospital. Form a gun shot wound from John Wilkes Booth. He was shot while at a theatre enjoying a show. He will never be forgotton