
Civil War Important Events

  • Lincoln's Inauguration

    Momentous day in American history. Took place on the eve of civil war, made his support for the Union official. He emphasized the importance of staying together; would not tolerate seccesion.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    First official battle of the Civil War. After South Carolina seceded, they demanded that the Union abondan its facilities at the Charleston Harbor. The Union refused, and a seige ensued, in which the Confederates won, though surprisingly, there were no deaths.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First major land battle of the Civil War, took place near Manassas, Virginia. Union army was led by General McDowell, Confederate army was led by General Beauregard. Union army panicked and fled, resulting in a Confederate victory.
  • Moniter vs. Merrimack

    Moniter and Meerimack were the names of two american ironclad warships that fought the first naval battle of the Civil War. Union ship was Monitor, Confederate ship was Meerimack. Battle ended in a stalemate, as Moniter did not press its advantage in favor of a tactical retreat. Ushered into the US navy
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Confederate soldiers were under General Johnston, Union soldiers under General Grant. Major land battle of the Western front. Though the Union army finally one, it came at a great cost, 1300 soldiers died from the Union army, and 1100 from the Confederate army. This was the bloodiest battle in American history up until this time.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Offensive campaign by Confederate general Robert Lee against Union general John Pope. Fought on a much larger scale than the first battle of Bull Run. While General Pope forced Lee into a defensive position and effectively utliized his artillery, Lee brilliantly counterattacked with devestating force, forcing Pope to withdraw his army.
  • Battle of Antietam

    First major battle of the Civil War to take place on Union soil. Is the bloodiest single day battle in American history, with over 22,000 soldiers dead or injured. Union general was McCllelan, while confederate general was Robert Lee. Resulted in a Union victory, though casulaties were devestating for both sides.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle was fought in Northern Virginia, between Confederate general Robert Lee, and Union general Ambrose Burnside. Was one of the most one-sided battles fought in the war, as union casualties numbered almost twice as much as Confederate casulaties, as a result of tactical mistakes made by Burnside.
  • Emancipation Proclaimation

    Issued by Lincoln, it was an executive order that would order the emancipation of all slaves in any state that did not end their rebellion against the Union by January 1, 1863. Also showed that ending slavery was now the principal effort of the Union in the Civil War.
  • Battle of Chancorville

    The Union army was led by General Hooker, and the Confederate army was led by Robert Lee. Though Lee had much smaller forces, he convincingly won the battle. Union deaths were 17,000, while Confederate deaths were 13,000.
  • Battle of Fort Pillow

    The Battle of Fort Pillow, or more accurately the Massacre of FOrt Pillow, was essentially a massacre of black federal troops by soldiers under Confederate generael Forrest. Military historian David J. Eicher called it, "Fort Pillow marked one of the bleakest, saddest events of American military history."
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    First battle of General Grant's overland campaign in VIrginia against General Lee. Fought in RIchmond, Virginia. Results were inconclusive, as Grant was winning the battle, but abruptly disengaged to continue his offensive elsewhere.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Was the second major battle of General Grant's overland campaign against COnfederate general Robert Lee in Northern Virginia. After Grant broke off from the Battle of the Wilderness, he attempted to lure Lee into more favorable conditions. Though this battle was also tactically inconclusive, it was the costliest battle of the campaign with ovver 32,000 deaths on both sides.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Was one of the final battles of Grant's overland campaign of the Civil War. Confederate general was Robert E Lee. Remembered as one of American history's bloodiest Thousands of Union soldiers were killed or wounded in a frontal assault against the fortified positions of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's army.
  • Lincoln Reelected as President

    Though it should come as no suprise, Lincoln's reelection was significant to the Union as it showed abolsihing slavery was still the principal objective of the Civil War, and maintained the Lincoln was still concerned about protecting the Union.
  • Battle of Nashville

    Fought in Tennesse, battle was fought between Union commander General Thomas, and Confederate commander John Hood. Union quickly took the offensive and overwhelmingly won this battle. Was one of the most significant battles of the war.
  • General Robert E. Lee surrenders

    Official end of the war, General Robert Lee surrenders to General Ulysses Grant at Appomattox court house in Virginia. With this surrender, the Union officially emerges victorious after the long war.
  • Lincoln's Assasination

    Five days after the Civil War ended, Abraham Lincoln was assasinated in Ford's theatre by John Wilkes Booth. This was part of a larger consipracy to revive the COnfederate cause, though it ultimately failed.
  • Slavery abolished

    As the Union's principal objective in the war was abolishing slavery, the first official act after the war ended was officially abolishing slavery. This ushered into a new era of American prosperity.
  • New Orleans Riot

    Was a violent conflict in which whites attacked blacks in Lousiana where the constitutional convention was being held. Showed that while blacks were free, it would still be a long time before they acquired the same status and rights and whites had.