Civil War

  • Northwest Ordinance

    A signed treaty of Paris that gave the US control over the territory west of the Appalachian mountains
    The US state a constitution that all new states enter the union on equal footing. It outlawed slavery
  • Lousinana Purchase

    President Jefferson signed a treaty called the treaty of Paris with France for the territory. it set precedent for future land acquisitions. It's important because it shows how the U.S create and made all the states we have now today and how it impacted the union.
  • Missouri Compromise

    A slave state and Maine as a free state.
    Missouri applied as a slave state, and it affected the balance of slave and free states. It Drew the line for expansion of slavery at 36´30¨
  • Nulliification Crisis

    States' rights Had the right to declare a federal law null and void if it harms that state. A compromise was reached. The tariff was lowered. South Carolina still wanted to nullify acts of Congress and the state's rights sill was a stew.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas wanted to become independent from Mexico because they outlawed slavery. The U.S acquired republic of texas years later. Texas won independent from mexico.
  • Oregon Territory

    Jointly occupied with Americans, The British, and Spanish. the Spanish ended their claim when the Adams-Onis treaty was signed. There was a conflict between the Americans and the British. which led to the dividends of British- American Borders. ¨54´40 which didn¨t happen which led to the 49th parallel and the Oregon treaty
  • Mexican cession

    Contained territories that are made of the southwestern United States. The U.S acquired by the treaty that ended the Mexican-American war. The Mexican cession completed manifest destiny and the U.S won the war against Mexico.
  • Compromise of 1850

    It gave the power of the people the right to decide and vote if states were free or slave. It introduced popular sovereignty to all the territory in the Mexican Cession.
    It made the sectionalism stronger between the north and the south
  • Kanasa Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska act is a proposal of popular sovereignty to decide if other territories should be free or slave. To increase the Kansas and Nebraska population. Allowed if territories would be slave or free. Also allowed popular sovereignty to the north of the 36´30¨.
    maybe was the start of the civil war.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas is conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery. They turned from peaceful to violent events. They impacted the civil war because there was a major conflict between Slavery and non-slavery.
  • Presidential reconstruction

    The lincoln goal was to preserve the union. He was lenient to the south. It was an easy way to reconnect the southern states to the union. It was important because he tried to emancipate slaves from the slave states.
  • Battle Of Bull Run

    Started in Manassas Virginia. Lincoln replaced McDowell with General George G. McClellan in hopes of the union victory. The confederate won the battle. It's important because it was the first battle of the civil war.
  • Fort Sumter

    first conflict of the civil war. confederates forces fired upon this union. the civil war depened upon the economic resources of the north and south.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    Started in Sharpsburg Maryland. It was a tactical draw where nobody gets anywhere with this battle. it was The Union v. The Confederates. The single bloodiest day of the war. The first attempt of the south trying to invade the north. It was important because lincoln wrote the emancipation proclamation.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    If you are living in a state that is not part of the U.S and you fight against the U.S if you lose then any slaves will be forever free when you lose but if you return to the union then you can keep the slaves you have. It was an important turning point during the civil war.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    The north accomplishes the anaconda plan and splits the confederacy in 2 gaining control of the Mississippi River. It's important because it was the first union victory. Vicksburg is the key to bringing an end to the war.
  • Battle of gettysburg

    The last Attempt of the south to invade the north. bloodiest battle. They had the union which put them in advantage. It's important because its signal that the end of the war is coming.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln wanted to move the land a memorial for the people that lost their life. and That all men are created equal. Uts important because it tells that men have the right to their equal rights, liberty, and happiness.
  • Sherman´s March to the sea

    scorch the earth. the south to capture. Its was important because he destroyed everything everywhere he went
  • 13th Amendment

    Southerners created black codes to not give rights to African Americans. It important because it ended slavery
  • 15th Amendment

    All men had the right to vote. no matter the race, creed, or condition of servitude. Republican party establishes its political power in the south.
  • 14th Amendement

    Granted All men birthright citizenship. The Dred Scott decision by recognizing citizenship of the African American.
  • Congressional Reconstruction

    The goal was to punish the south. they divided into 5 military districts controlled by the U.S army. ratify the 14th amendment. granted birthrights citizenship. important because it granted voting rights
  • John browns Raid Harperś Ferry

    Led raid on a Virginia arsenal in hope of arming slaves and starting a rebellion. struck fear in the hearts of slave owners. Abolition further divided the north and south
  • Plessy v. ferguson

    Separate but equal. supreme court legalized segregation and discrimination government abandons protecting rights. important because of the ¨separate but equal¨
  • Monroe Doctrine

    To warn European countries not to recolonize Latin Americans. U.S military power was very limited caused resentment towards U.S