Civil Rights Timeline

  • Congress of Racial Equality Founded (CORE)

    Congress of Racial Equality Founded (CORE)
    -Civil Rights: goal to protect individual freedom from the government
    -A group of students founded it
    -Counseled migrants, and black social workers
    -1st action: sit-in at segregated coffee shop
  • Dodgers Hire Jackie Robinson

    Dodgers Hire Jackie Robinson
    -Color Line: a barrier that separated whites from non-whites
    -Jackie Robinson was the first black major league baseball player
    -His playing in the MLB lead to other professional sports allowing blacks to play in the leagues
    -We has hired by Branch Rickey, the general manager.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    -Segregation: was the separation of of blacks and whites
    -Blacks in the military and army had to be treated equally as whites
    -The Order stated there should be equality for all people regard to race, color, religion, or national origin.
    -With the policy of the Executive Order, the desegregation became an official policy in the armed forces.
  • Advocates for Black Nationalism

    Advocates for Black Nationalism
    Nation of Islam: a religious group that promoted complete separation from white society by establishing black businesses, schools, and communities
    Malcom X: He was one of the leaders of the change Advocates for Black Nationalism
    -Malcom X rejected the goals of the early civil rights movement, rather than seeking integration the Nation of Islam promoted black nationalism
    -Malcom X converted to orthodox islam and began to reach out to people of all races, making a broader call for human rights
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
    -Thurgood Marshall, argued for Brown in the case. NAACP's lawyer.
    -Linda Brown wanted to go to a white school to close to her home, case was argued in front of the Warren Court
    -Result: Public Schools became de-segregated
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    -Kerner commission: the National Advisory Commision on Civil Disorders that concluded that white racism was the cause of the Watts Riot
    -Ghettos: a part of a city where certain people of an ethic group live
    -Lasted for six days, 34 people died, and the national guard was sent in to stop the riot
    -The long term cause of the riot was police brutally, unfair treatment, and poverty
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott (start)

    Montgomery Bus Boycott (start)
    -Boycott and Rosa Parks: Rosa Parks is a 43 year old black woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger
    - Leaders of the NAACP chose to use the buses as a way to protest, 90% of the people who usually rode public transportation didn't that day
    -African Americans in Montgomery made an elaborate transportation system, as the boycott went on for 361 days
  • Integration of Central High School

    Integration of Central High School
    -Little Rock Nine: the nine black students that were the first to go to an integrated high school in Little Rock, Arkansas
    -Governor Orval Faubus declared that he would not support desegregation in Little Rock
    -The day 8 students were to begin classes, troops appeared at Central High as a show of force and to prevent the students from entering the building.
  • First Lunch Counter Sit-in

    First Lunch Counter Sit-in
    -Jim Crow Laws: A set of unwritten rules that said we didn't have to serve blacks if we didn't want to
    -Sit-in: a civil rights protest where protesters sit in a public place and refuse to move, therefore causing the business to lose customers.
    -The SNC was the group of students that organized most of the protests with people from their group
    -The sit-ins transformed the segregation south and changed the civil rights movement
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    -Civil Disobedience: nonviolent refusal to obey a las that the protester considers to be unjust
    -SNCC: ( Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) organized nonviolent protests
    -Freedom rides were where blacks and whites rode interstate buses together to test southern states to see if they were following the desegregation on public transportation law
    -Some of the buses were bombed and the passengers on the buses were beat by angry white mobs
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    -SCLC: (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) was an organization formed by MLK Jr and other civil rights leaders to use nonviolent resistance to achieve social and political goals.
    -King and other leaders in the SCLC met up and decided to do peaceful protests
    -There were lots of people that argued to using and participating in these peace
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    -NAACP: (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) civil rights for groups of African Americans
    -The largest political gathering held more than 250,000 in Washington.
    -People were lobbying for jobs and freedom that african americans deserved.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    -Plessy v. Ferguson: Landmark constitutional case of the US court, it upheld state segregation laws in public places based on the doctrine "separate but equal"
    -President LBJ passed the act into law, after pushing for it
    -The act banned discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, or national origin
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    -Disenfranchise: Deprive someone of the right to vote
    -The Voting Rights Act was an act of congress outlawing literacy tests and other tactics that had long been used African Americans the right to vote.
    -This act called for the federal government to supervise voter registration in areas where less than half of voting-age citizens were registered to vote
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    -Black Power: the power to shape public policy through the political process
    -The Black Panther Party was a group founded in 1966 that demanded economic and political rights and was prepared to take violent action
    -Black Panthers provided many services for blacks in their community, such as free breakfast programs and medical clinics
    -Because Black Panthers carried weapons and were willing to stand up to the police, they were viewed as dangerous radicals by law enforcement agencies
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    -Discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things
    -The Civil Rights Act was a law that included a ban on discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of the housing based on race, religion, national origin, or sex.
    -Before MLKs death, he had shifted his focus from integration to economic equality.
    -Over MLK's death, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, including a fair housing component that banned discrimination in housing sales and rentals
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
    -Desegregation: ending the policy of segregation, putting whites and blacks together and not separating them
    -Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg was the supreme court ruling that schools were to use buses to integrate their schools.
    -Buses were sent to predominately white or black neighborhoods and bused to kids to different schools where they would be with kids of other color.
  • Regents of the University of California v. Blakee

    Regents of the University of California v. Blakee
    Affirmative action: a policy that calls on employers to actively seek to increase the number of minorities in their workforce
    -The Courts ruling narrowly upheld affirmative action by declaring that race could be used as one of the criteria in admission decisions
    -The Court ordered the university to admit Blakee to medical school, however did not end the debate over affirmative action and preferential treatment for women and minorities