Civil Rights Timeline

  • MLB

    Jackie Robinson helped start to integrate the MLB. This was needed at the time for equality in sports. This caused for more available positions for African Americans in sports and encouraged acceptance.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Started the equality movement. Challenged the separate but equal doctrine. Was a successful court case.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Ended racial segregation in schools. Some schools didn't go with this. This was the start of equality being taught at a young age.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa refused to give up her spot on the bus, which she fairly deserved. She was then jailed for her actions. She was also viewed as a hero for her actions which she deserved completely.
  • Civil rights act of 1957

    Signed by Eisenhower. Designed to help protect voter rights which was extremely needed at the time. Start of civil rights changes being recognized by the government at the time.
  • The March on Washington

    250,000 joined MLK at a march on washington DC. Extremely large gathering that was very helpful at the time. It led many to finally agree with what civil rights were standing for.
  • Bombing in Birmingham

    16th street baptist church in Birmingham Alabama. This fueled lots of angry protests, as it killed for young girls. The issue was heating to a climax.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Signed by LBJ. Prevents all discrimination based off of appearance. Also helped prevent workplace discrimination with the EEOC.