cieri hanna

  • jamestown

    first sucsessfull british settlement.
  • galilio sees the moons of jupitor

    galilio sees the moons of jupitor
    Galileo Galilei sees the moons of Jupiter through his telescope. Galileo also showed the Copernican system in which the planets circle the sun was correct.
  • william shakespeare

    William Shakespeare dies.
  • thirty years war

    Start of the Thirty Years' War - Protestants revolt against Catholic oppression; Denmark, Sweden, and France invade Germany in later phases of war. Johannes Kepler proposes last of three laws of planetary motion.
  • mayflower

    agreement established by the men that sailed to america on the mayflower.
  • declaration of indapendence

    the document in which the colonies declared indapendence
  • american revolution

    american revolution
    a rebellion for the thirteen north american colonies of the great britian who declared indapendence.
  • constitution written

    constitution written
    offers special pertection of individual liberty and justice, place's restrictions on the power of goverments.
  • bill of rights

    first ten admendments to the u.s constitution
  • murbury vs. madison

    murbury vs. madison
  • lousianna purchase

    lousianna purchase
    thomas jefferson bought this land from napolian to doubke our size.
  • california gold rush

    california gold rush
    large numbers of people moved to california to collesct gold from the gold mines.
  • kansas-nebraska act

    kansas-nebraska act
    the law that established the teritires for kansas and nebraska and gave their residents the right to decide whether they would allow slavery or not.
  • Period: to

    civil war

    the north and south fought over the states rights and the north won.
  • slavery in jamestown

    the first African slaves are brought to Jamestown.