
  • Period: 7000 BCE to

    China- Chinese Civilization

    Farmers started growing rice on the Chang Jiang river since as early as 7000 BC.
  • Period: 7000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Fertile Crescent- Sumerian Culture

    Sumerian Culture was one of the first developed in the world, starting multiple different cultures, which we see in our world today.
  • 4000 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Settlements turn into cities

    Early Mesopotamian settlements turn into cities. Pg. 57
  • Period: 3200 BCE to 730 BCE

    Egypt- The First Egyptians

    The Hunter-Gatherers that came into Egypt united into the Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt- Menes Unites Egypt

    In 3100 BC Menes Rose to power in Upper Egypt and united it with Lower Egypt. Pg. 89
  • 3000 BCE

    Sumer- The Civilization of Sumer Rises

    Because Sumerian society existed first, most of their cultural ideas and beliefs, as well as their languages, were adapted into culture in the present. Pg. 60
  • 2700 BCE

    Egypt- The Old Kingdom

    In Egypt, the Old Kingdom lasted from 2700 BC to 2200 BC. Khufu, the most famous pharoah, ruled in 2500 BC. Egypt traded with Nubia during this time. Pg. 90
  • 2300 BCE

    Sumer- Akkads attack Sumer city-states and take them over

    Sargon, a leader in Akkad society, wanted to expand Akkad territory. He attacked Sumerian city-states and took them for himself. His reign lasts for 50 years, until the city of Ur gets rebuilt and they retake their city-states. Pg. 61
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1700 BCE

    India- Harappan Civilizations

    Harrapan society started in 2300 BC and ended in 1700 BC.
  • 2050 BCE

    Egypt- The Middle Kingdom

    After 2200 BC, the Old Kingdom fell. For 160 years, local nobles fought for control. Around 2050 BC, Mentuhotep II Took over. The Middle kingdom lasted from 2050 BC to 1750 BC. Pg. 96
  • 2000 BCE

    Sumer- Sumerian cities get destroyed and society ends.

    Repeated attacks from foreign tribes weakened Sumer and it was eventually destroyed.
  • 2000 BCE

    India- Aryan People Migrate In

    The Aryan People migrated into India through mountain passes in the northwest. Pg. 128
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 350

    Nubia- Kushite Civilation rises

    Kush civilization started when a village leader took control of all the farming villages in Nubia and made himself king. He named the land Kush.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to

    India- Aryan People

    Aryans arrived in India around 2000 BC. Eventually they even moved to the Ganges River Valley.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 480 BCE

    Greece- The Greeks

    The Minoans were the first people to live near Greece. They were not considered the first Greeks because they did not speak Greek. They were expert fishermen because they lived on the island of Crete. The Mycenaeans lived on the mainland. They were considered the first Greeks.
  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1595 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Babylonian Society

  • 1792 BCE

    Babylon- Hammurabi's Rule Begins

  • Period: 1750 BCE to

    Israel- Hebrews

    The Hebrews Started out as herders and eventually grew into a civilization. The Hebrew religion, Judaism, eventually led to Christianity which is a major religion in the world today.
  • 1700 BCE

    India- Harrapan Civilization Ends

    No one knows why Harrapan people died away. Common theories are that invaders destroyed their towns or natural disasters killed them off. Pg. 128
  • 1600 BCE

    Greece- Minoan and Mycenaean Society Ends

    The Minoans started to decline after a volcano explosion caused a tidal wave that flooded Crete in the 1600s. The Minoans were at their lowest point during the 1400s. The Mycenaeans took this opportunity and invaded them. Eventually though, invaders from Europe came into Greece and destroyed the Mycenaeans in the 1200s. Pg. 230- 231
  • 1595 BCE

    Babylon- Babylon Falls

    Babylon is taken over by Hittites.
  • 1595 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Hittites take over Babylon

    Hittites manage to take over Babylon because of their fast chariots
  • Period: 1595 BCE to 1560 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Hittites Rule

  • 1560 BCE

    Hittite king gets assassinated and their rule ends

    Hittite king gets assassinated and the Kassites take over and rule for 400 years
  • 1550 BCE

    Egypt- The New Kingdom

    Egypt grew into an empire because they feared future invasions. Other people groups payed them gold and treasures so that they didn't attack them. Pg. 97
  • 1500 BCE

    Kush- Egypt Invades

    Egyptian Pharoah Thutmose I sent an army to take control of Kush so that the Kush leader wouldn't attack. In the mid 1000s BC, Kush took back their land because of Egypt's weakened state. Pg.109
  • 1200 BCE

    Assyrians take over Babylon

    In the 1200s, the Assyrians took over Babylon.
  • 1200 BCE

    Israel- The Exodus

    Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt sometime in the 1200s. This event influenced songs that slaves sang to keep their hopes up about freedom. These songs are used in the present day as examples of how people never gave up on their hopes.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 612 BCE


    The Assyrians take over Babylon
  • 1150 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Overrun By Invaders

    Assyrians were overrun by invaders.
  • 1100 BCE

    China- The Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty started in 1100 BC. The rulers claimed to have the mandate of heaven which meant that heaven gave them the right to rule. The Zhou Dynasty ended in 771 BC. This happened because the Lords loyalty lessened. In 481, the states entered the warring states period, a period where the states fought for power.
  • 1050 BCE

    Israel- Israel's First Kings and The Dispersal

    In the 1000s BC, the Israelites were attacked by the Philistines. They wanted a king. Their God gave it to them. A man named Saul became king. He was strong millitary wise but failed as a king. After his death, David Became king and ruled with a strong hand. His son, Solomon, was a strong king just like his father. After Solomon's death, invaders came in and took them as slaves. They were saved soon by the Persians. Some Jews returned to Israel, and some went to the Persian Empire.
  • 900 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Assyrians retake over Babylon

    in 900 BC, Assyrians retook Babylon.
  • 700 BCE

    Kush- Kushites invade Egypt

    Kush attacked Egypt after their empire weakened and took over all of the empire.
  • 652 BCE

    Mesopotamia- Assyrian Babylon Falls into War

    Fights over power begin in Babylon
  • 612 BCE

    Babylon is Taken over by The Chaldeans

    Babylon is taken over by Chaldeans.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 330 BCE

    Asia- The Persians

    The Persian Empire was formed when the Persians were ruled by the Medes. Cyrus II rebelled and won. That marked the beginning of the Persian Empire.
  • 500 BCE

    Greece- The First Democracy is Formed

    Cleisthenes gained power around 500 BC. He decided that it was unfair that all the aristocrats ran the government. He decided that all citizens had to gather and agree on the rules. They then voted and if the rule had enough votes, it would be made official.
  • 431 BCE

    Greece- The Peloponnesian War

    After the Persian Wars, the city-states formed an alliance. They wanted revenge on Persia. The Athenians however, began to act as the leader. Athens grew in power because they used the money supposed to be for the league to build their empire. The Spartans grew afraid of the Athenians power and declared war. Sparta won by surrounding Athens and cutting off all trade and food supply.
  • Period: 359 BCE to 323 BCE

    Europe- Macedonia

    The Macedonian Empire was created by Philip II. Their main target was Greece. Alexander, his son, became king and expanded his empire.
  • 339 BCE

    Europe- Macedonia takes over Greece

    The Macedonians easily invaded Greece because few city-states helped defend against the Macedonians.
  • 334 BCE

    Greece- Alexander the Great spreads Greek Culture When Creating His Empire

    Alexander the Great admired Greek culture. Alexander the Great created one of the biggest empires in the world. Every place he conquered, he spread Greek culture. Because of this, philosophers study Greek mythology and philosophy.
  • 320 BCE

    India- The Mauryan Empire

    The Mauryan empire started when Candragupta Maurya took control of Northen India. Asoka eventually became king (Candragupta's Grandson). He expanded his empire to all of India. Most of the time he was watching his men battle. Eventually he became Buddhist and vowed to never rage another battle. He spent the rest of his time taking care of his people. Asoka died in 233 BC, which lead to a fight for power. In 184 BC the last Mauryan King was killed.
  • Period: 320 BCE to 500 BCE

    India- Later Empires of India

    Many other Empires rose after the decline of Harappan Civilization.
  • 210 BCE

    China- The Qin Dynasty

    In 221 BC, Ying Zheng took over China. He named himself Shi Huangdi. He ordered all books that disagreed with legalism would be burned. Many scholars disagreed. Shi Huangdi Responded by burying 460 scholars alive. The Qin dynasty fell when in 210 BC. Rebels took this advantage and took over.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    China- The Han Dynasty

    The Han Dynasty began when Liu Bang led an army and won the fight for the whole of China. Liu Bang was a peasant and lowered taxes and made less strict rules for the Empire. Liu Bang eventually died. Wudi took over and created a stronger central government. He took land back from lords and raised taxes.
  • 66

    Israel- Revolts against Rome

    The Romans took over Israel after they were set free from the invaders that had took them slave previously. The Zealots, a rebellious group of Jews, wanted back their home land. In AD 66, the Zealots revolted. The Revolt failed and the Romans burned the second temple down. Most of the Jews lost hope after that. They Revolted again, 60 years later, and failed again. They were then banned from entering Jerusalem.
  • 300

    Kush- Kush rule Declines

    Cows overgrazed, Ironmakers destroyed forests, and the wind blew the soil away. This caused the Kush kingdom to be weakened. Kush was then invaded by the Aksum people.
  • 320

    India- Gupta Empire Takes Over

    Eventually a new empire was formed. The Gupta empire took over India in 320 AD. The First Gupta emperor was Candra Gupta I. Not to be confused with Candragupta Maurya. They are not related. Gupta society was mainly Hindu but promoted other religions as well. in 375 AD Candra Gupta II became king. The empire stretched further under his rule. Eventually, The Huns saw the Gupta Empire and Invaded. The Gupta Empire Finally ended in the 500s.
  • Persia- The Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars Began when Greece rebelled against Persian rule. The Persians were mad about them rebelling and invaded Greece. The Greeks fought back and defended their capital. Darius's son Xerxes I tried again. They successfully got into Athens and burned it down. However, the Greeks led the Persian ships into a narrow strait. The small Athenian boats sank many of the Persian ships because there were so many of them.