Chris Parks and Armani Herrera pregnancy project

By Hybcp
  • Week 5 of pregnancy

    Week 5 of pregnancy
    The Embryo is 1/16th to 1/8th inch long. A bunch of cells have formed into a C-shape, and there is a groove on the Embryo's back that will eventually seal and develop into the neural tube
  • Week 6 of pregnancy

    The heart of the Embryo begins to pump blood, and the neural tube that will become the spine closes. Arm and leg buds begin to form.
  • Week 7 of pregnancy

    Week 7 of pregnancy
    The head is about 1/3rd the size of the entire Embryo. The brain and face are developing rapidly.
  • Week 8 of pregnancy

    Brainwave activity begins. webbed fingers and toes begin to form, and subtle movements begin.
  • Week 9 of pregnancy

    Now being called a Fetus, The heart of the Fetus is almost completely developed, and the arms develop bones.
  • Week 10 of pregnancy

    Week 10 of pregnancy
    Eyelids begin to fuse to protect eyes. The Fetus begins doing occasional breathing movements even though it gets its oxygen through the umbilical cord.
  • Week 11 of pregnancy

    Nearly all the organs and body structures are formed and starting to function. Genitals start taking form of specific gender of Fetus.
  • Week 12 of pregnancy

    Week 12 of pregnancy
    The growth of the Fetus' head slows down to let the rest of the body grow. Arms, legs, and fingers are starting to resemble a newborn's.
  • Week 13 of pregnancy (end of 1st trimester)

    Face starts developing individual characteristics, and Fetus starts developing muscles and joints.
  • Week 14 of pregnancy

    The Fetus can wince and grimace due to facial muscles developing and flexing. The liver starts to secrete bile.
  • Week 15 of pregnancy

    Week 15 of pregnancy
    The nose, lips, and taste buds are formed, and the head is covered by a fine, soft hair called Lanugo
  • Week 16 of pregnancy

    Week 16 of pregnancy
    The Fetus' bone begins to harden.
  • Week 17 of pregnancy

    Brown fat, a special type of fat is being dispersed to help the Fetus with body heat generation.
  • Week 18 of pregnancy

    Teeth have started to form in the Fetus, and can also start to hear sounds.
  • Week 19 of pregnancy

    genetic material for future grandchildren begin to develop.
  • Week 20 of pregnancy

    Week 20 of pregnancy
    A white substance called Vernix Caseosa protects the skin from its aqueous environment, and the Fetus' sweat glands form.
  • Week 21 of pregnancy

    Taste buds are forming on her tongue. The eyelids are still sealed, but the eyes are active.
  • Week 22 of pregnancy

    The organ system is becoming more functional and specialized.
  • Week 23 of pregnancy

    The eyes are formed, but lack pigmentation
  • Week 24 of pregnancy

    Week 24 of pregnancy
    Real hair begins to grow on the head, and the skin becomes less translucent.
  • Week 25 of pregnancy

    Week 25 of pregnancy
    The Fetus starts exhibiting sleeps by having active and inactive periods.
  • Week 26 of pregnancy (end of second trimester)

    The eyelids separate causing the eyes to open. the sense of sight and sound expand greatly for the Fetus.
  • Week 27 of pregnancy

    Everything still developing for the Fetus in the womb.
  • Week 28 of pregnancy

    The Fetus can taste and smell, and the eyes can produce tears.
  • Week 29 of pregnancy

    The Fetus' adrenal glands are producing a chemical which can be made into serial by the placenta.
  • Week 30 of pregnancy

    Week 30 of pregnancy
    Fetus' eyes are able to track light while the brain continues to rapidly develop.
  • Week 31 of pregnancy

    The Fetus is not really developing anything new, while other human functions are still trying to form.
  • Week 32 of pregnancy

    Week 32 of pregnancy
    All five senses are developed, and sleep begins for the Fetus.
  • Week 33 of pregnancy

    The Fetus is in the process of receiving antibodies from the mother due to its immune system still being immature.
  • Week 34 of pregnancy

    The Fetus can blink, and the brain is developing fast while in the womb
  • Week 35 of pregnancy

    Week 35 of pregnancy
    The nervous and immune system are still maturing.
  • Week 36 of pregnancy

    The Fetus is usually 20.5 inches in length.
  • Week 37 of pregnancy

    Fetus begins to move into delivery position. Fetus intestines build up meconium to release as a bowel movement.
  • Week 38 of pregnancy

    Nails are done growing.
  • Week 39 of pregnancy (end of 3rd trimester)

    The Fetus adds neural connections, hair, and weight, and is almost primed for birth.
  • Week 40 of pregnancy

    Week 40 of pregnancy
    Fetus is fully formed, and ready for birth.