Chocolate evolution·Amaia Bóveda

  • 1750 BCE

    The Xocolatl

    The Xocolatl
    The Xocolatl was invented 2000 years ago, in Mexico, by the Aztecs. Was took like gods food, and they mixed the cocoa beans with corn, chili and spicy spices, and then they boiled it, before they drink it only in ceremonys.
  • 600

    The cocoa

    The cocoa
    The cocoa was first used in 600 A.D by the Aztecs.
  • The drinking chocolate

    The drinking chocolate
    The drinking chocolate was made around the 17th century, in Spain, by Hernan Cortés. The drinking chocolate was famous in all the Courts of Eurpe and was too expensive and luxurious.
  • The "Chocolate houses"

    The "Chocolate houses"
    The "Chocolate houses" were made in 1757 by J.S. Fry & Sons in Bristol, England. Chocolate became to mass-produce so it became available for everyone.
  • The Chocolate bar

    The Chocolate bar
    The Chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by J.S Fry & Sons in Bristol, England. Many chocolate bars from today are made by the same families that set up the first chocolate factories, for example, Suchard, Lindt, Cadbury, Bournville...