Asia and its Child Policies (Specifically China's One-Child Policy but we're throwing in some other ones too)

  • People's Republic (China)

    People's Republic (China)
    China started encouraging the use of Birth Control and Family Planning when the People's Republic was established; however, these encouragements were only occasional and not strict.
  • Family Planning is introduced to Singapore

    Family Planning is introduced to Singapore
    After world war 2 the population of Singapore increased faster than the economy did so family planning was introduced to Singapore and the Family Planning Association of Singapore was formed.
  • Official in Singapore

    Official in Singapore
    In Singapore it was made official that families should have up to 2 children, this was placed after a 3 month campaign
  • North Vietnam

    North Vietnam
    North Vietnam started encouraging couple to have 1 or 2 children at most, they got the idea from china’s encouragement of family planning
  • Population Increase (China)

    Population Increase (China)
    China’s Population was getting super close to the 1 billion mark
  • One Child Program (China)

    One Child Program (China)
    Program announced encouraging families to only have 2 children, 1 would be appreciated
  • One Child Policy has Officially been set in place (China)

    One Child Policy has Officially been set in place (China)
    The policy stated that Han Chinese (Ethnic Majority) could only have one child. There were exceptions for couples that live in rural areas and for other ethnic minorities with small populations.
  • Start Of Program (China)

    Start Of Program (China)
    Program was meant to be applied globally; however, many exceptions were made (if first child was handicapped parents could have another child)
  • Problems Caused (Mainly China)

    Problems Caused (Mainly China)
    Gender ratio flew towards males, rise in abortions of female fetuses, many girls were put into orphanages, even infanticide of baby girls. This led for fewer females available for marriage
  • Hidden Children (Everywhere mentioned in Timeline)

    Hidden Children (Everywhere mentioned in Timeline)
    There were many cases of children born after the first child that were never reported, these children had a hard time getting a good education resulting in a hard time getting a good job
  • Gender Ratio Problems (China)

    Gender Ratio Problems (China)
    Another problem was that it became hard for young men to find Chinese wives; therefore, many women in surrounding countries suffered as victims of human trafficking
  • For those who Followed and for those who Did Not (China)

    For those who Followed and for those who Did Not (China)
    Families who followed the rule recieved rewards: higher wages, better schooling and employment, more governmental assistance. And families who violated the rule had punishments: fines, wage cuts, loss of jobs/job opportunities, and difficulty getting governmental assistance
  • Singapore has a new Slogan

    Singapore has a new Slogan
    Government of Singapore noticed the falling birth-rate so they came up with a new slogan: “Have Three Or More (If You Can Afford It)”
  • Vietnam makes it official

    Vietnam makes it official
    Vietnam made the “one-to-two child policy” official
  • Vietnam Gets rid of their Policy

    Vietnam Gets rid of their Policy
    Vietnam got rid of the policy because they had reached a sustainable fertility rate.
  • Vietnam Brings it back

    Vietnam Brings it back
    Vietnam once again restricted the amount of children couples could have back down to 1 or 2 at the most.
  • Singapore's Birth-rate still has not been restored

    Singapore's Birth-rate still has not been restored
    The birth-rate still had not been restored in Singapore
  • Exception Made (China)

    Exception Made (China)
    If at least one parent was an only child then the couple can have 2 children
  • Are other countries considering placing a one child policy? (U.S.)

    Are other countries considering placing a one child policy? (U.S.)
    In 2013 people in the U.S. started debating about whether or not the United States should adopt a one-child policy
  • Program is over (China)

    Program is over (China)
    Was announced that the program was ending
  • Estimates Were Made for the U.S.

    Estimates Were Made for the U.S.
    The people of the Washington Post had dug up some information and made estimates based on that to see how the U.S. would have been affected if a one-child policy had been put into place. And according to these estimates about 80 million less children would have been born between 1980 and 2013.
  • 2 Children (China)

    2 Children (China)
    All families are allowed to have 2 children. The government decided to allow this because the fertility rate has dropped below 2.1 and they are worried that it will effect economic growth
  • Birthrate is Dropping instead of Rising (China)

    Birthrate is Dropping instead of Rising (China)
    There was a drop in birthrates since 2016. In 2016 there was about 12.95 births per 1,000 people, in 2017 there was only 12.43 births per 1,000 people. According to demographer Chen Youhua from Nanjing University the reason for this drop is the fact that there are not enough women of the childbearing age.
  • Big Oof in Singapore

    Big Oof in Singapore
    Singapore’s worst year, least amount of births. It is expected to increase by 1.2% in 2020-2025
  • India has now placed a policy of its own

    India has now placed a policy of its own
    India made a policy stating that couples with 2 or more kids cannot get government jobs or any extra governmental benefits
  • Couples can only afford so much... (China)

    Couples can only afford so much... (China)
    Another reason why the birthrate has not grow is because many couples feel that they can only afford 1 to even no children. And the fact that about 33% of women had their pay cut after giving birth and 36% of women had been demoted
  • New Encouragements (China)

    New Encouragements (China)
    Ever since 1949 the Chinese government has encouraged women that only one child was enough and that late childbirth was acceptable. Now women are being encouraged to be married while they are still in college and, the girls are constantly being reminded that late childbirth can lead to things such as birth defects.