Chernobyle disaster

  • Vitali Sklyarov quote

    February – Vitali Sklyarov, Minister of Power and Electrification of Ukraine, "The odds of a meltdown are one in 10,000 years. The plants have safe and reliable controls that are protected from any breakdown with three safety systems.”
  • Period: to

    Chernobyl meltdown

  • Meltdown

    01:23:44 – Explosion. The reactor reaches 120 times its full power. All the radioactive fuel disintegrates, and pressure from all of the excess steam which was supposed to go to the turbines broke every one of the pressure tubes leading to an explosion.
  • Release of radiation

    The 1000 tonne lid above the fuel elements is lifted by the first explosion. The release of radiation starts. Air reaches the reactor and the oxygen results in a graphite fire. The metal of the fuel tubes reacts to the water. This is a chemical reaction which produces hydrogen, and this hydrogen explodes: the second explosion.
  • Fire alarm activated

    Akimov called the fire station and the chiefs of electrical and other departments, asking for electrical power for coolant pumps, removal of hydrogen from hydrogen generators, and other emergency procedures to stabilize the plant and contain the damage. Internal telephone lines were disabled; Akimov sent Palamarchuk to contact Gorbachenko
  • 2:00 pm

    Evacuation of Pripyat begins.
  • Polish Authorities

    Polish authorities decide to distribute iodine tablets in the north-east of the country to infants and children to protect them from thyroid cancer.
  • Fireman dies

    One of the first firemen dies of acute radiation sickness.
  • Possible cures

    Russian First Deputy Health Minister denies popular believe that vodka (& red wine) is a good cure for radiation exposure.
  • Sarcophagus

    A month after the accident the danger is not yet over. A concrete structure will be built, the idea of the sarcophagus is born.
  • Soviet Union payout

    The Soviet Union has paid out $3 billion, mainly for relocation, compensation and loss of power.
  • Period: to


    Last remaining reactor is shut down after being rebuilt.
    Reactors 1, 2 and 3 had restarted. Reactor 3 was the last to be shut down.
  • New Safe Confinement

    The two halves of the New Safe Confinement are joined. Because of its enormous dimensions the arch was built in two sections. Nearly 1,000 bolts will hold them together.
  • 6:35 am

    37 fire brigades, with a total of 186 fire fighters, have by now been called in. All fires extinguished with the exception of the fire contained inside Reactor 4.
  • 2017

    Estimated completion date of the New Safe Confinement Shelter over reactor 4.