Chasing Lincolns Killer Timeline

  • Booths first plan and failure

    Booth's first plan to kidnap the president failed on 3/20/1865 when Lincoln failed to show up to the place where Booth and his other conspirators wait.
  • Booth makes a plan more diabolical than the kidnapping

    Booth and his conspirators believed that murdering Vice President Andrew Jackson, the Secretary Of State William H-Seward, the president, and two of his possible successors to throw the government into disarray
  • Booth slips into the presidents box

    At approximately 10:15 PM, Booth slipped into the president's box occupied by Lincoln and fired a single bullet through his .44 Single shot derringer pistol, which was fatal for Lincoln. The bullet entered his head, creating a hole behind his left ear.
  • Booth makes his escape

    Booth jumps off the president's box, catching himself on the hook of the flag attached. Alongside the pistol, the booth was also armed with a knife which he used to slash anybody who stood into his way. Booth ran out of the theater and occupied his horse staying outside the back of the theater.
  • Lincoln arrives at the Ford's theater

    Lincoln arrived late to the comedy and occupied a presidents box with the companions of his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, a young army officer Henry Rathbone, and Clara Harris, who is the daughter of New York Senator Ira Harris
  • Lincoln's short-stopped career and death

    Unforteaunutly on April 15th, 1865 at 7:22 am, Lincoln was pronounced dead at the Peterson house at the age of 56.