Chasing Lincolns killer

  • Begining

    A photographer William M. Smith took a photo of the presidentail inauguration.
  • Richmond,Virginia

    Richmond, Virginia fell to union forces
  • Surrender

    Conferderate General Robert E. Lee and Northern Virginia surrendered
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln was in the second window of the Executive Mansion, entertained the audience with humor
  • Celebration

    Washington celebrated the end of the civil war
  • shooting

    John Wilkes Booth shoot the president at Fords theater
  • Death

    Booth kills Lincoln
  • The search

    General Stanton begins his search for Lincolns killer
  • Meeting

    Thomas Jones met up with the two assassins ( John Wilkes Booth and David Herold)
  • Investigation

    Soldiers were sent to get information from George Mudd but he was useless
  • Raid

    Investigators were planinig a raid on George Atzerodt
  • Questioning

    Dr. Mudd was questioned by the calvry
  • Information

    Thomas jones witnessed the calvry riding ot of town on news that the assassins were spotted in another county
  • Traveling

    Booth and Herold gathered their guns and blankets and headed toward a friend of Herolds house. They we traving by boat and were heading in the wrong direction
  • Travinig part 2

    Booth and Herold decide to head toward Viginia
  • Destination

    Booth and Herold finally reached Virginia
  • Arrest

    Dr. Mudd was arrested by the soldiers
  • Garretts farm

    Booth and Herold was at Garretts Farm
  • Booths death

    The calvry found Booth and Herold. Herold was arrested and booth was shot and he died
  • Executions

    Lincoln asssasination conspirators were all executed