
Chasing Lincoln's Killer Project - Ross

  • Willie Lincoln's Death

    Willie Lincoln's Death
    Mary Todd Lincoln's and Abraham Lincoln's son, Willie, dies at age 11.
  • The plot to Kidnap Lincoln

    The plot to Kidnap Lincoln
    John Wilkes Booth begins conspiring his plot to kidnap the Then-President, Abraham Lincoln, to attempt to use him as ransom to release Confederate prisoners.
  • Richmond Falls

    Richmond Falls
    The Capital of the Confederacy, Richmond, falls leaving John Wilkes Booth depressed and he proceeds to change his plan from kidnapping to murdering the President of the United States.
  • Plan put into Action

    Plan put into Action
    On this day, Lewis Powell was assigned to assassinate Secretary of State William H. Seward, and nearly succeeded, while George Atzerodt was assigned to murder Then-Vice-President Andrew Johnson, while Booth wanted to take Lincoln's life for himself. At around 10:00 - 10:30 P.M. Seward was viciously attacked, and this was also around the time Abraham Lincoln was shot.
  • President Lincoln's Death

    President Lincoln's Death
    At 7:22 A.M, President Lincoln was pronounced dead at a home across the street from Ford's theater.
  • Lewis Powell Caught

    Lewis Powell Caught
    On this day, Lewis Powell knocked on Mary Surratt's door seeking refuge, where he was caught in a lie, and let himself and Mary Surratt be taken into Custody.
  • George Atzerodt Caught

    George Atzerodt Caught
    George Atzerodt was tracked down at his cousin's house and was taken into custody, he implicated that Samuel Mudd and Mary Surratt were involved in the plan to murder the President.
  • John WIlkes Booth Caught

    John WIlkes Booth Caught
    John Wilkes Booth is found out hiding in a barn of a man who agree to help him. After going back and fourth with a search group, they set the barn on fire to lure Booth out where Thomas P. Corbett fatally shoots Booth.
  • Trial Before a Military Commision

    Trial Before a Military Commision
    In the evening of this day, Testimony began against the case of Lincoln's conspirators. Where eventually, Lewis Powell, Mary Surratt, David Herold, and George Atzerodt are all sentenced to hanging
  • Sentencing

    Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, David Herold, and Mary Surratt, are hanged on this day for taking place in the case where Abraham Lincoln was murdered. Four others were sentenced to life in prison, for taking part in the plan.