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Chasing Lincoln's Killer

  • Lincoln's Inaueuration Sppech

    Lincoln's Inaueuration Sppech
    "Fondly do we hope..." (viewing from the stand is John Wilkes Booth)
  • Union Victory

    Union Victory
    The North celebrated the fall of Richmond. The people built bonfires, walked in parades, and sang patriotic songs.
  • Surrender

    Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Grant at Appponatox. (Booth wanders the streets in despair)
  • Humorous Speech

    Humorous Speech
    From the Executive Manison, Predient Lincoln asked the band to play "Dixie".
  • Torch Light Parade

    Torch Light Parade
    On the Executive Mansion driveway, thousands of people came to celebrate with bands and banners.
  • End Of War Celebration

    End Of War Celebration
    Washington celebrated the end of the war with an illumination. The public buildings and private home glowed with candles , torches, gaslights, and fireworks.
  • Confederacy"s Death

    Confederacy"s Death
    (John Wilkes Booth awoke depressed) The week had a lot of bad news for John Wilked Booth.
  • Booth Proposes Lincoln's Assaniation

    Booth Proposes Lincoln's Assaniation
    Both conspires with Geoarge Atzerode, Luis Powell, and David Herold to murder the president, vice president, and secreatary of state.
  • Death of Lincoln

    Death of Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln died April 15, 1865, in the morning at 22 minutes after 7 o'clock
  • The Arrests

    The Arrests
    Sam Arnold, Michael O'Laughlen, and Edman Spangler were given arrests for helping with the assassination.
  • John Wilkes Booth Is Cornered

    John Wilkes Booth Is Cornered
    John Wilkes Booth was found in Garrett's farm and was surrounded by cavalry, he was asked to surrender but didn't, so he was shot.
  • Booth Gone Mad

    Booth Gone Mad
    Booth is useless he says, he looks at his hands and whispers "my hands". John Wilkes Booth was dead.
  • Ford's Theather

    Ford's Theather
    At 10:00 p.m, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth jumped off the balcony and ran off the stage.