Charlie Gordon

  • Progris Riport 2

    Progris Riport 2
    Charlie Gordon's quest to becoming "smart" began with a few simple tests, beginning with an inkblot test, in which Charlie was supposed to "see pictures". This, is a landmark event, because optimistic Charlie realizes his limits, and the processes of things. He develops his first opinons with the ink blot introduction."I didnt see nuthing in the ink but he said there was picturs there other pepul saw some picturs."(372)
  • Charlie is Intoduced To Algernon

    Charlie is Intoduced To Algernon
    Throughout Charlies' quest he develops a strong relationship with Algernon the mouse. "Later some men in white coats took me to a diffrnt part of the hospitil and game me a game to play. It was like a race with a white mouse. They called the mouse Algernon." (373) This relationship is almost tellicamunacative, as they communicate between minds; Algernon's advanced mind and Charlies underdeveloped mind.Intially, it is just a game
  • Progris Riport 4

    Progris Riport 4
    Charlie is accepted to be part of a huge experiment. This moment is important, because it introduces Charlie to a whole new world. At the same time, Charlie gains a little more confidence, and he realized his importance in the world as well as others. "She said don't be scared Charlie you done so much with so little I think you deserv it most of all." (374)
  • Progress Report 8

    Progress Report 8
    "Im going back to work at the factery. They said it was better I shud go back to work but I can't tell anyone what the operashun was for and I have to come to the hospitil for an hour evry night after work. They are gonna pay me mony every every month for lerning to be smart."(376) Charlie going back to work, creates the thin barrier between safety and vulnerability. In the end, both places are not where he should be, for his sake.
  • Charlie's Dinner with Miss Kinnian

    Charlie's Dinner with Miss Kinnian
    When Charlie has dinner with Miss Kinnian he finds something that he has never witnessed before. A true friend and love. "I knew that this was only the beginning. I knew what she meant about levels because I'd seen some of them already. The thought of leaving her behind made me sad."(387)Charlie is slipping deeper and deeper into a world of unkwown. He is naturally feeling more comfortable in different areas that for anyone else with such prior problems with life in general would not feel safe.
  • Charlie leaves the Factory

    Charlie leaves the Factory
    "It was evil when Eve listened to the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge. It was evil when she saw that she was naked. If not for that none of us would ever have to grow old and sick and die." What does Fanny Girden mean? Charlie, has been abruptly fired. After suspicions as to why he has gained such an abundance of intelligence in such a short amount of time, Mr. Donnegan cut the leash. Why, though. This action leaves Charlie with questions. It leaves him with more insecurities than ever.
  • Period: to

    Charlie Declines

    All good things must come to an end. For Charlie, that is his intelligence, and all of his good traits behind. At this point, you can see clearly that Charlie is in midst of such a declination, because of his inability to use proper puntuation, his word choice, and his educate opinon: May 15, "Dr. Strauss is very angry at me for not having written my progress reports in two weeks. He's justified because the lab is now paying me a regular salary." (389) Later on, this is more evident.
  • Resturaunt Incident

    Resturaunt Incident
    A sign of Charlie beginning to fade, back to normalcy, is his flashbacks. This one night at the corner diner, Charlie witnesses an incident involving a retarded boy shattering dishes by accedant. At first look, Charlie does not realize the mental condition of this boy. But yet, when he does, he goes on a rage. He thinks of himself and his insecurities. How blunt he was and how ignorant he was towards others and life in general. For the first time he is relating to someone."...human being." (392)
  • Algernon bites Charlie

    Algernon bites Charlie
    "It happened today. Algernon bit me. I visited the lab to see him as I do occasionally, and when I took him out of his cage, he snapped at my hand." (393)Algernon turning against Charlie, signals the beginning downfall of Algernon's intelligence. It is a sad moment, as it signifiies the end to a long lasting relationship. An emotional connection has been built up over time and this brings confusion and subtle anger to Charlie.
  • Charlie writes the Algernon-Gordon Effect

    Charlie writes the Algernon-Gordon Effect
    "I recall your once saying to me that an experimental failure or the disproving of a theory was as important to the advancement of learning as a sucess would be."(395) Charlie has come a long way, both physically and emotionally. Most recently, the two doctors involved in the case have signed off, due to their confusion and frustration. However, Charlie's perseverence and courage leads him otherwise. He continues the case, and analyzes every event and moment.
  • Algernon Passes

    Algernon Passes
    According to Charlie's progress report, this is the date that Algernon passed away. Of course, like a true scientist after a death of a specimen, he does a dissection. "His brain has decreased in weight and there was a general smoothing out of cerebral convolutions as well as a deeping and broadening of brain fissures." (396) As it would seem less so earlier in the story, Charlie is not hurt about his friend leaving him. He understands that his time has come.
  • The Final Progress Report

    The Final Progress Report
    Charlie is on the very tip of his rope. His memory is pratically gone, his intelligence is no longer there, and he is going back to his old habits. "I did a dumb thing today I forgot I wasnt in Miss Kinnians class at the adult center any more like I use to be. I went in and sat down in my old seat in the back of the room and she looked at me funny and said Charles. I dint remember she ever called me that before only Charlie..." (401) Charlie realizes that he should probably leave. Forever.