Charles Darwin Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882

  • Born

  • Darwin Begins Voyage on the Beagle

    Darwin Begins Voyage on the Beagle
    Charles Darwin began his almost 5 year voyage where he discovered the diversity between living things and the relationships between different organisms at the age of 22. One of his biggest findings that he is most known for is the theory of natural selection. This was discovered in the Galapagos Islands where these species had evolved in isolated environments. Darwin also visited Brazil, South America, New Zealand, the Azores, and Tierra del Fuego.
  • Darwin Publishes "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs"

    Darwin Publishes "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs"
    In this book Darwin describes the various types of coral reefs with detailed descriptions of them all. He then discusses the growth and how coral reefs are distributed as well as how fast the grow and how deep the corals can live. Some other discoveries talked about in this book were how parrotfish controlled the growth of coral and he dissected them to find ground up coral in their intestines.
  • Charles Darwin Publishes "On the Origin of Species"

    Charles Darwin Publishes "On the Origin of Species"
    In this book, Charles Darwin discusses his theory based on the notion of variation and argues that there are a number of adaptations and traits that make species different from each other. Some of these variations include color, shapes, and organs. He believed that these variations are passed down to the offspring and his theory explains how these variations are traced back to the origin. Hence the origin of species.
  • Darwin Publishes "The Descent of Man"

    Darwin Publishes "The Descent of Man"
    In this book, Darwin discussed the idea of all species changing over time which gives rise to a new species with a common ancestor. In the case of humans, he argued the case of our ancestors being African apes. He also talked about the theory of sexual selection which is how males would fight other males in order to access females to mate with. That explains how some animals have bigger horns or nicer colors.
  • Death