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Charles Darwin Timeline 1809-1882

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    Darwin's Biography

  • Darwin's contribution to the philosophy of science

    He embarked as a naturalist on the scientific expedition aboard the Beagle. He made a true scientific revolution. Contradicting the sacred scriptures earned him numerous and fiery criticisms from the clergy and most biologists of the time, who argued that species were fixed and eternal groups ordained by God. His other research, including the formation of coral reefs, was eclipsed by his contributions to evolutionary ideas.
  • The trip aboard the Beagle

    The trip aboard the Beagle
    He was appointed naturalist aboard the beautiful Beagle brig on a trip that lasted five years on both coasts of South America, Galapagos, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, Keeling Island, Mauritius, Brazil, and the Azores. He obtained the position thanks to the efforts of his professor of botany in Cambridge, the Reverend John Stevens Henslow, who had made him see the importance of scientific observations detailed, meticulous and uninterrupted.
  • The Galapagos Islands work (Beagle published)

    The Galapagos Islands work (Beagle published)
    His geological observations on coral reefs were collected in several books. The trip was decisive because it definitely oriented his life and activity along the path of science. Ten years after his trip he published his experiences of it. Beagle became classic as a travel book. His work capacity was considerable despite the harms caused to his health by the rigors of his long journey. He was superior to the rest of his contemporaries in observing things that usually escape attention.
  • Theory on Natural Selection

    Together with Alfred Russell Wallace, he presented before the Linnean Society of London, the conclusion that species are not immutable. It was necessary to review divine reasons that justify the dignity of man and his original purity; the literal interpretation of the Bible; and unanimously accepted scientific theories. The dispute became epic when confronted by Bishop Samuel Wilberforce and the young biologist Thomas Huxley at the University
  • Darwin published his theory in the book The Origin of Species

    Darwin published his theory in the book The Origin of Species
    Darwin publicly introduced his revolutionary theory of evolution in a letter read at a meeting of the Linnean Society. He published a detailed explanation on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. His publication provoked great controversies and was opposed by religious thinkers because it defeated the creationist theory and moved the human being from the center of Creation. This book convinced scientists and the educated public that living things change over time.