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Charles Darwin (Feb. 12, 1809- Apr. 19 1882)

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    Charles Darwin (Feb. 12, 1809- Apr. 19 1882)

  • Darwin sets out on HMS Beagle for voyage around the world.

    Darwin sets out on HMS Beagle for voyage around the world.
    Darwin set out on a voyage around the world in 1831 with the intent of studying geological setting of each stop the Beagle made. Along with the geological samples, Darwin began studying the species along the shores and taking notes upon notes of his findings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRmzmYmMTKk
  • Darwin studies species of the Galapagos Islands

    Darwin studies species of the Galapagos Islands
    Upon arrival, Darwin set out to explore the islands. He quickly noticed that, while the islands have the same species, the plants and animals had slight variations from each other. This began his work on the origin of species. Each species had its own adaptation, or had evolved, into something specific to the island. The governor of the islands had even told Darwin that he could tell you which tortoise came from which island, even though they were all Galapagos tortoises.
  • Darwin writes first essay on Natural Selection

    Darwin writes first essay on Natural Selection
    Darwin began writing an essay on his finding from his trip around the world. He had kept journals all along his travels and ended up with over thirteen by the end of the voyage. By 1838, Darwin had written his first draft on Natural Selection after seeing a pattern in his writings that pointed towards what he would call evolution by natural selection. He was insistent that it would only be published upon the event of his death because he was afraid of the criticism that would result.
  • Darwin publishes 'On the Origin of Species'

    Darwin publishes 'On the Origin of Species'
    After receiving an essay from fellow naturalist Russell Wallace, Darwin decided to publish his works before someone else published theories so similar to his own. He revised his original work and condensed it down to an abstract of its original form. This work would be his most influential and is called 'On Origin of Species.' Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species, Lerner Publishing Group, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/apus/detail.action?docID=5442994.