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Charles Darwin (Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882)

  • Period: to

    Expedition on the H.M.S Beagle

    Darwin ventured around the globe for ~5 years as a naturalist and geologist upon the H.M.S Beagle, a Royal British survey ship. His findings, especially those in the Galapagos Archipelago, were vital in his development of the theory of Darwinian Evolution. The significance of the Galapagos survey is outlined in this brief video by NatGeo.
  • Darwin's First Scientific Speech

    Darwin's First Scientific Speech
    Darwin gave his first scientific speech to the Geological Society of London, detailing his geological findings from his voyage. Darwin's speech overviewed the idea that when land masses rise and the ocean floor lowers, life on the landmass somehow adapts to the change. This was part of the beginning of Darwin's theory of evolution.
  • Seeds & Salt Water Experimentation

    Seeds & Salt Water Experimentation
    Darwin experimented on the seeds of common plants by exposing many to salt water for growth, proving that they could, in fact, survive and germinate. This test helped back up his idea that plants could be dispersed all over the world by individually adapting in different ways. Source: Black, Michael. “Darwin and Seeds.” Seed Science Research, vol. 19, no. 4, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 193–99,
  • Publication of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"

    Publication of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"
    Darwin released his work "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" with which he described how living organisms evolve over time. His book covered competition, adaptation, variation, overproduction, and speciation as five main points backing up the theory of natural selection. Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species. Lerner Publishing Group, 2009.
  • Publication of "Descent of Man"

    Publication of "Descent of Man"
    Darwin released "Descent of Man" in which he applied his theory of evolution via sexual selection more extensively to humans. Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man and, Selection in Relation to Sex. Vol. 2 . J. Murray, 1871.