Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Charles Darwin was born

    Location: Shrewsbury, England, UK
  • Medical School- University of Edinburgh

    At the age of 16, Darwin went to the University of Edinburgh, the same university his father did years before. However, Darwin did not enjoy his time at medical school; he was uninterested and disgusted with most of his studies. Darwin became interested in zoology but again found the lectures boring. Therefore his father withdrew him from the University and enrolled him at the University of Cambridge.
  • The Voyage on HMS Beagle

  • Darwin’s Theory

    Darwin would keep a notebook filled with his thoughts and theories about the different species. Darwin believed that species would transmute (evolve). He would continue to observe this theory with the principles of Francis Bacon. Later he would look into Thomas Malthus's work on population which would help him with his theory. In 1842 Darwin wrote his first paper on natural selection. 1845, Darwin published a paper on the new species he discovered in the Galapagos Islands, the flinches.
  • The Origins of Species

    The Origins of Species became public at this time and sold 1250 copies. Darwin continues to update the book with six editions of the original. The famous quote we know today, "Survival of the fittest," appeared in the fifth edition. Darwin would continue his work, and in 1871 Darwin published "The Descent of Man." His theory was that humans evolved from apes, which did not interact well with the community.
  • Charles Darwin died

    Location: Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom