Charles darwin

Charles Darwin 12 Feb. 1809 - 19 Apr. 1882

  • 1828: Cambridge

    1828: Cambridge
    Charles Darwin enrolled at the university of Cambridge to study for a bachelors of arts. In the three years he was there he received his B.A. During his time in Cambridge, he continued to pursue his scientific interests by far was in collecting different species.
  • 1831-1836 The voyage of the Beagle

    1831-1836 The voyage of the Beagle
    Darwin was offered a position as a naturalist on the HMS Beagle (British Royal Navy's Survey Ships). The beagle was a five year mission trip to the south seas.
    -First stop: Volcanic Cape Verde Islands, west of Africa. Darwin found seashells high up in the cliffs.
    -Galapagos Island: Darwin found specimens of birds. These birds belonged to an entirely new group of finches. 12 new finch species and a new group.
    -Each new place he visited, collecting samples of fora, fauna & fossils and rocks.
  • 24 Nov 1859: On the origin of species

    24 Nov 1859: On the origin of species
    Is the scientific literature by Charles Darwin. His book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. He included evidence that he had gathered from the Beagle expedition in the 1830s & his subsequent findings from research, correspondence and experimentation.
  • Awards won by Charles Darwin

    Awards won by Charles Darwin
    1839: Fellowship of the royal society
    1853: Royal medal
    1859: Wollaston medal
    1864: Copley medal
    1877: Doctor of law
  • Charles Darwin and Evolution Video