Road to revolutionbanner

Chapter 4

  • Period: to

    Road To Revolution

  • Period of Benign Neglect

    what = no enforcement of parli. laws
    when = 1607-1763
    where= Bitish Colonies (north America)
    effect = lim. nav. laws, gave colonies more trade rights
    ended with Stamp act/ sugar act
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    yrs = 1651, '63, '73, '96
    effect = restrict trade btwn colonies & foreign
    why = perpetuate England's Mercantalistic interests
    England response = happy => b/c increases wealth
    Colonists response = unhappy => b/c lim trade & less wealth
  • French and Indian Wars (Seven Years War)

    French and Indian Wars (Seven Years War)
    Britain Vs. France
    French aided by Indians @ N. A against colonists
    French and British Kings
    Britain gets new lands
    French and Britain face high debts
    results in proclamation of 1763
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    what- unify colonies
    when - 1754
    who - Suggested by Ben. Franklin
    where- Albany, New York
    effects - initial gov. for safety
    protection during French and indian War
    inspired articles of Confederation
  • Prime Minister George Grenville

    Prime Minister George Grenville
    King George III's prime minister
    introduced the stamp act
    Succeeded Lord Bute as PM
    eff: Colonists payed taxes on exports
    colonists: did not like the taxes
    Taxation w/o representation!!!!
    British: Need for paying war expenses
  • Paxton Boys & Rebellion

    Paxton Boys & Rebellion
    -frontier scot/irish men
    -central Penn-state
    - attacked and killed native Susquehannock
    cause: french/indian war; pontaic rebellion
    eff: Conestoga Massacre
    Colonists: not supportive of vigilantes
    British: not supportive of vigilantes
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    war launched by loose conf. native tribes
    Great Lakes, Illonois, Ohio
    named after Ottawa Leader Pontaic
    caused: natives offended by policies of Jeffrey Amherst
    Effect: brutal murder of colonists; Paxton Boy's Rebellion
    Colonists/British: did not approve of attacks
  • Treaty Of Paris 1763

    Treaty Of Paris 1763
    • ended seven year war
    • Great Britian, France, Spain
    • Europe and Americas were affected -Cause: Britain's Victory in War -Effect: Britain's Domination of Americas Colonists: wanted to move westward Britain: didnt want colonists to move past applachain mts.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    forbade settlers from settling past appalachian mts
    King George III & Colonists
    British North America
    Cause: Land Gained By French & Conflicts with Indians
    Effect: Dissatisfaction of Settlers
    Colonists: Wanted to travel past the line
    British: Wanted to limit expenses for protection of settlers
  • Oppositon to Stamp Act

    Patrick Henry- Stamp Act Resolutions 7 resolutions
    Stamp Act Congress - Oct. 7-25, 1765 unified protest against taxation
    Sons of Liberty- started as liberty of nine, agitation against taxes
    Sam Adams- Boycott and pressure on Parliament
    Virigina Resolves- argued that only Virginia General Assembly can tax ppl
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    tax created by the parliment on the Colonies
    England; British North America
    Parliment, colonists
    cause: Need $ to pay expenses during 7 yr war
    Effect: Colonists displeased with taxes
    No Taxation w/o representation
    British : Need money and hence agree
    Colonists :Displeased want representation
    Riots - civil disobedience, where ppl attack buildings/ officials
    Boycotts: non violent disobedience, no buy stuff
  • Declatory Act

    Declatory Act
    Act following repeal
    allowed British to rule over Colonies however it wanted
    Parliament & Colonists
    Eff: Frightened colonies of further limitations
    seemed as a colonial victory
    Cause: Retaliation to stamp act
    Colonists: Mixed, some celebratory while others more fatalistic (big brother)
    British: Show colonies who's in pwr
  • Townshend Duties

    Townshend Duties
    -five tax laws to increase revenue for officers/ judges
    - Charles Townshend
    - British North America
    - increase salaries for officials to enforce british rule in colonies
    - later repealed exc: tea tax
    - colonists : did not like this
    - British : thought it was necessary for colonists
  • Enlightenment: Philosophy of Revolt

    Enlightenment: Philosophy of Revolt
    period of freedom and rights ideal spread
    British North America & Later the 13 Colonies
    John Locke: fathe of Classical liberalism, social contract theory
    cause: Spread of ideals from Europe to North America
    Effects: Adds tinder to flames of Revolution
    Colonists: Reason to Revolt
    British: Harmful to successful and powerful government
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Killing of colonists by British
    Occured in Boston (King Street)
    British Soldiers, colonists
    cause/eff: caused by mob retaliating against soldiers
    eff: raised conflict btwn british and colonists
    colonists: saw as brutal massacre
    British: saw as a provoked attack
  • Regulator Movement Revolts

    Regulator Movement Revolts
    Revolts in carolinas
    colonists took up arms against corrupt officials
    N & S Carolinas
    colonists vs. British officials
    Cause: corruption in Govt
    Eff: unsuccesful but catalyst in Rev.
    Colonists: Just actions for better Govt
    British: Traitors and Criminals
  • Sam Adams & Committees fo Correspondence

    Sam Adams & Committees fo Correspondence
    non-official govt establised by patriotic leaders
    British North America prior to Rev.
    Sam Adams & other Patriots
    cause: Grievances against British Rule in NA
    Effects: Preceded Actual govt in Post Rev. era
    colonists: some saw this as necessary for right protection
    British: saw as traitors
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    An act instilled to help British East India Company
    13 Colonies
    East India Company; King ; PM
    Cause: East India Company suffering and almost bankrupt
    Effect: Boston Tea Party, Boycotts
    Colonists: Saw as form of taxation w/o repr
    British: Saw as way to help EIC
  • Tea Act Resistane

    Tea Act Resistane
    Boston Tea Party : Group of colonist
    dressed as natives
    dumped tea in Boston Harbor
    led to intolerable acts in Mass.
    made Britain Mad
    Boycotts: against tea
    colonists did not buy tea
    EIC faced loss of profits
    inital plans proved unsuccesful for british
    women participated in Edenton Tea Party
  • Intolerable Acts Edenton Proclamation

    Intolerable Acts Edenton Proclamation
    Intolerable Acts = Coercive Acts
    took self-govt from Mass away
    British North America
    King George III mad at Boston
    cause: Boston colonists dumped tea in harbor
    eff: enraged colonists and served to incite rebellion
    Edenton Proclamation- A tea party for Women boycotting tea by british EIC
    colonists: did not like coercive Acts
    British: thought they were necessary to put into line the colonists
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    1774- First C. Congress
    convention of delegates
    13 colonies
    cause: forming of govt during conflict w/ Britain
    eff; Became the governing body after Rev.
    colonists: served as an important govt
    British : undermined role of British mother nation
  • Concord 1775

    Concord 1775
    Concord : First battle of American Rev along w/ LexingtonProvince of Mass Bay British; Colonists; 10th Regiment; MilitiaCause: Conflict btwn British and ColonistsEff: "Shots heard around the World"British: insignificant little rebellionColonists: First shots of American Revolution
  • Lexington 1775

    Lexington 1775
    Lexington : First battle of American Rev.Province of Mass Bay British; Colonists; PitcaimCause: Conflict btwn British and ColonistsEff: "Shots heard around the World"British: insignificant little rebellionColonists: First shots of American Revolution
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    phamplet written by Thomas Paine
    Shows reasons for Revolution
    urged colonists to be patriotic
    Thomas Paine
    13 Colonies
    cause: Patiotic movement to get more supporters
    Effects: many loyalists became patriots
    colonists: reason to join patiots was evident
    British: slandered british govt harmful to society
  • Thomas Jefferson's Philosphy of Revolt

    Thomas Jefferson's Philosphy of Revolt
    right of ppl to overthrow govt
    if common will not established
    like social Contract by John Locke
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    July 4, 1776
    Written by Thomas Jefferson
    Declared that 13 colonies were now an independent nation
    Written during Continental Congress
    John Adams; Thomas Jefferson
    cause: Grievances by the colonists
    effect: Declared the 13 colonies as independent from Britain
    British: Insignificant "Nothing important happened"
    Colonists: declared them free of British rule