
Cesar Millan

  • Born in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexcio.

    Born in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexcio.
    Born in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexcio.
  • 13th Birthday

    13th Birthday
    This is when he first wished to be the best dog trainer in the world.
  • Jumped the border from Mexico to the United States

    Jumped the border from Mexico to the United States
    He knew no English and was homeless for sometime.
  • Got 1st job as a dog walker/groomer

    Got 1st job as a dog walker/groomer
    He walked 40-50 dogs leashless, which was illegal.
  • Met Jada Pinkett Smith

    Met Jada Pinkett Smith
    She became one of his first clients and helped him get his start. She even paid for English lessons for a full year.
  • Got married

    Got married
  • First son born-Andre

    First son born-Andre
  • Second son born-Calvin

    Second son born-Calvin
  • First episode of "Dog Whisperer"

    First episode of "Dog Whisperer"
  • Started Millan Foundation

    Started Millan Foundation
  • First really tough dog's success

    First really tough dog's success
    This was a big step. This was a dog him and his father had picked out to help treat. This dog finally was well enough to join a pack.
  • Dad died

    Dad died
    "Daddy" was Cesar's biggest supporter. His death put Cesar in his lowest emotional and physcological state.
  • Divorce from wife

    Divorce from wife
    This added to the sadness he was having after his father's death.