

  • The First Cellphone

    The First Cellphone
    Martin Cooper invented the first cellphone.
  • The Cost of the First Cellphone

    The Cost of the First Cellphone
    The first cellphone was a motoralla which was $3,995. It was nicknamed "the brick."
  • First Text Messages

    First Text Messages
    The first texting came out in the mid 1990s but was scarcely used until 2001.
  • The First Camera Phone

    The First Camera Phone
    The first camera phone was called the nokia 7650.
  • The First Smartphone

    The First Smartphone
    The First smart phone invented was called the Sony Ericsson P800.
  • The Newest Phone

    The Newest Phone
    The newest phone out is the iphone 5 with a camera, internet, and texting. This has everything on it.