Cell Theory Timeline

  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    The first cell was observed by ROBERT HOOKE. He discovered a honeycomb- like structure in a cork slice using a primitive compound microscope. He only saw cell walls and used the term "cells" to name them. His observation gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living cells. His discovery of the cell paved the way for other scientist to research more information about the newfound cell.
  • Robert Hooke (Continued)

    Robert Hooke (Continued)
    Before Hooke's discovery, people thought life arose from inanimate matter or nonliving material (Spontaneous Generation Theory). Hooke's theory challenged the Spontaneous Generation Theory. Through his challenge, more people started to reevaluate the theory.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK discovered and described bacteria. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek scrapped plaque from his teeth and observed it. He also put pond water under a microscope and described what he saw as animalcules. They would be later known as bacteria, protozoa( single-celled organisms), and rotifer. He also described red blood cells by studying the blood in fish, birds, tadpoles, and mammals.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (Continued)

    Without the knowledge of bacteria, scientists after Leeuwenhoek wouldn't have known the information they needed to make the proper conclusions. He improved the microscope which helped future scientist better observe and experiment. He hoped to disprove the Spontaneous Generation Theory by describing that life does in fact come from living things. Eventually his studies, along with others, made the theory obsolete.
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    ROBERT BROWN discovered the nucleus found in the plant cells. He studied almost 1700 plant species and noticed a nontransparent spot in the cell. Brown also noted that the spot could be seen in early stages of pollen formation. Although many scientists before Brown ignored the spot in the cell, he found it important to the function of the cell. Eventually Brown named the spot found the "nucleus".
  • Robert Brown (Continued)

    Robert Brown (Continued)
    He disproved earlier theories that the nucleus wasn't important and had no significant use to the cell. He proved that without the nucleus, the cell couldn't function. The nucleus is like the brain of the cell. Without the discovery of the cell, scientists would not know other organelles make up the cell.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    Matthias Schleiden
    MATTHIAS SCHLEIDEN discovered that all plant tissues are made of cells. Schleiden was a botanist. While investigating plants under a microscope, he observed that plants were made up of cells.He concluded that the cell is the basic building block of all plant matter and that the embryo emerged from a single cell.Then went on to say that plants grew through the production of new cells.He disproved that only certain things were made of cells. He then stated that plants could also be made of cells.
  • Theodor Schwann (Continued)

    Theodor Schwann (Continued)
    He believed that the cell is the basic unit of life and that statement became the foundation of the cell theory. He disproved the theory that plants and animals were different in structure. That they in fact had similar cell structures.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    THEODOR SCHWANN was inspired by Schleiden to discover and conclude that animals, along with plants, are made of cells. He also stated that living things grow and develop when cells multiply. He observed and studied cellular structures in animal cartilage. Schwann strongly disagreed the belief that a mysterious life force made living things different from other material and argued that life can be explained by physical and chemical laws alone.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    He discovered that all new cells can be produced only from the division of new cells. He believed the cell is the basic unit of human life.He was the first to show that the cell theory can apply to diseased tissue and to also healthy tissue-fat. He studied the effect of diseases on cells through a microscope.He disproved that cells appeared from nothing. He used earlier research done by Robert Remak to prove that cells come from living material. His discovery added to the cell theory.