Cell Theory Timeline

  • Galileo Galilei

  • Hans and Zacharias Jansen

  • Robert Hooke

    Used simple microscopes to observe cork cells
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Learned to grind lenses and assemble them into simple microscopes.
  • Matthias Jakob Schleinden

    First to recognize that all plants and all parts of plants were made up of cells.
  • Rudolph Virchow

    Extended the work of Shwann and Schleiden by proposing the theory that all living cells must rise from pre-existing cells.
  • Ernst Abbe

    Formulated a mathematical theory that correlated with the resolution to the wavelength of light.
  • Ernst Ruska

    Invented the electron microscope.
  • Max Knoll

    Invention of the electron microscope.
  • Gerd Binning

    Invented the scanning tunneling microscopes that give three dimensional images of objects down to the atomic level.
  • Heinrich

    Invented the scanning tunneling microscopes that give three dimensional images of objects down to atomic level.
  • Hirox Co Ltd.

    Invented and developed the first digital microscope by adding a function that translated the visual image into a digital picture.
  • Leo Szilard

    Created the first atomic bomb.
  • Theodore Schwann

    Schwann came to a similar conclusion as Schleiden with animal cells.
  • Robert Remak

    Dsicovered and renamed the three germ layers of the early embryo.