Cell theory

  • Han & Zacharias Jansen

    Hans & Zacharias Jansen created the first microscope
  • Francessco Redi

    He stated that maggot developed only on meat visited by flies, thus disproving spontaneous generation
  • Cells first obeserved

    Cells were first observed by Robert Hooke with a primitive compound telescope. He gave cells thier name, as the cells of the piece of cork he was observeing reminded him of prison cells.
  • first living cells observed

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch biologist, observes pond water with a microscope he made lenses for.
  • "miniture animal

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek made several more discoveries on a microscopic level, eventually publishing a letter to the Royal Society in which he included detailed drawings of what he saw. Among these was the first protozoa and bacteria discovered.
  • Micro organisms

    Lazzaro Spallanzani, a biologist and abbot in Italy tried several variations on the experiments done by John Needham. He discovered that soup that was kept sealed did not contain the micro organisms that appeared in soup open to the air. He determined that micro organisms get into the soup from the air.
  • Centre of a cell observed

    Robert Brown, an English botanist, discovered the nucleus in plant cells.
  • building blocks

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden, a German botanist, proposes that all plant tissues are composed of cells, and that cells are the basic building blocks of all plants. This was the first generalized statement about cells.
  • Cell theory

    Theodor Schwann and Matthias, a German botanist reached the conclusion that not only plants, but animal tissue as well is composed of cells. This ended debates that plants and animals were fundamentally different in structure. He also pulled together and organized previous statement on cells into one theory, which states: 1 - Cells are organisms and all organisms consist of one or more cells 2 - The cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms
  • Where life comes from

    Albrecht von Roelliker discoveres that sperm and eggs are also cells.
  • Smallest units of life

    Carl Heinrich Braun reworks the cell theory, calling cells the basic unit of life.
  • Rule #3 of Cell thoery

    Rudolf Virchow, a German physiologist/physician/pathologist added the 3rd part to the cell theory. The original is Greek, and states Omnis cellula e cellula. This translates as all cells develop only from existing cells. Virchow was also the first to propose that diseased cells come from healthy cells.
  • Soup experiment, New discovery

    Louis Pasteur repeated the soup experiment, determining that soup spoiled when exposed to air only if the air was not filtered or if the container had an opening allowing micro organisms to enter. He stated that flasks with long S shaped necks protected the soup because the micro organisms settled in the neck instead of the soup