• G1

    Cells synthesize new organelles and proteins. Cells also increase in size.
  • S phase or Synthesis

    S phase or Synthesis
    DNA is synthesized when chromosomes are replicated.
  • G2

    Organelles to help division are produced.
  • M Phase(Mitosis)

    M Phase(Mitosis)
    The division of the cell nucleous
  • M Phase(Prophase)

    M Phase(Prophase)
    Duplicated chromsome denses and becomes invisable. Centrioles move to different sides of the cell to help organize. Spinde forms and DNA attachs at the centromere.
  • Mitosis(Metaphase)

    Centromeres of duplicated chromosomes line up along the center of the cell. Spindle fibers connect centromere of chromosomes to poles.
  • M Phase(Anaphase)

    M Phase(Anaphase)
    Centromeres pull apart and chromotids become seperate chromosomes. Chromosomes seperate into two groups near the poles of spindle.
  • M Phase(Telophase)

    M Phase(Telophase)
    Chromosomes spread out into tangkes of chromatain. Nuclear envelopes develope re-forms around clusters of chromosomes. The spindle breaks apart, nucleous becomes visable in each daughter cell.
  • Cytokenesis

    Division of the cell membrane.