

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Created to help the kind deal with the Barons, took power from the king and leveled the playing field. No one is more powerful than the law, all people deserve rights (SF: Democratic) - gave all free men the right to justice and a free trial. Revised multiple times, influenced many countries to develop their own variations, even influenced the declaration of independence Link text Link text
  • 1517

    Martin Luther: 95 Thesis

    Wanted to stop church from selling indulgences (pay us and you won't go to hell). Wanted to begin a debate not a revolution. The 95 Theses were 95 points he made against the church/pope. Link text
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  • Mayflower Compact

    When the sailors didn't make it to Virginia and instead stopped at Cape Cod MA. The contract was drawn up to ensure and aid survival and stated that they each would use their own liberty and decisions would be based on a majority vote system. (SF: Democracy)
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  • Peace of Westphalia

    This peace treatise ended two wars, the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War. Wars fought over religion (SF: Protestantism), The balance of power divided the Roman Empire into states, States recognize the validity of three religions Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism- Princes decided the religion of each state.
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  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Wrote Emile or On Education, child-centered education needs to save children from society. Valued personal experience over vanity. Felt the child was born good. Link text
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  • Committees of Correspondence

    Samuel Adams created the CoC to help colonies set up a system of government and organize to communicate about the British, helped unify colonies. Took over colonial government (SF: Democracy) Link text
  • Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations

    Thought to be the first work of economic thought (SF: Capitalism). Identified three factors that increased the wealth of a country - Division of Labor(splitting up tasks), Nature of Wages(Hard jobs get high wages, easy jobs get low wages) and Foreign Markets (trading with other countries leads to better products and better business). Link text Link text
  • Immanuel Kant

    Wanted to replace religious authority with human intelligence(reason) - categorical imperative -> thought the government was supposed to be the best part of ourselves.
    1787 (critique of pure reason)
    1792 (Religion within the bounds of bare reason Link text
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  • Federalist Papers

    These papers were written (by: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay) to help ratify the constitution in the US. These papers were written to help persuade the people to ratify the constitution, whether they actually did is still up for debate.

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  • Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the main author of the document which helped attain civil social, political and religious rights of women. Helped give women equal rights (SF: Decomcratic) Original document is missing. Link text
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  • Karl Marx

    To be fulfilled in work you must see yourself in the product. Capitalism leads to alienation, turns humans into arbitrary beings.
    Primitive accumulation (skimming off the top from the workers - profits/exploitation)
    1848 (Communist Manifesto) Link text
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  • Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address

    Speech/Remarks given to dedicate a cemetery for Union soldiers. "And that government of the people, of the people, for the people by the people, shall not perish from the earth."
    (SF: Democratic) Link text
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  • Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

    Weber believed that Protestant Christianity was the cause of capitalism. Capitalists should not use money to pursue aesthetic goals but to work hard and earn money to get closer to god. (SF: Protestantism & Capitalism) Link text
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  • John Maynard Keynes

    Believed that most economic problems could be overcome. Tried to find a solution for unemployment. Felt that government should intervene to help increase employment by created jobs via investments like railroads bridges etc. Multiplier effect & The Bancor 1930's (Economic Possibilities for our grandchildren) 1936 (The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money) Link text Link text
  • Simone de Beauvoir

    "One is not born a woman but becomes one" Social construct created by men to keep women suppressed. Constructs socially and culturally produced to keep men dominant. (SF: Democracy) 1949 (The Second Sex) Link text
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  • Jurgen Habermas

    Public Sphere is a fundamental mechanism of democracy - Mass media takes away from this because it is a one way street for information. Media controls the narrative. 1962 (The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere)

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  • Port Huron Statement

    A nonideological call for participatory democracy, "both as a means and an end", based on non-violent civil disobedience and the idea that individual citizens could help make "those social decisions determining the quality and direction" of their lives.
    (SF: Democratic) Link tect
  • Martin Luther King: I have a Dream

    A call to end racism with peaceful protest. The most popular and moving part of the speech was improvised "I have a dream" A huge step forward for the civil rights movement.
    (SF: Democratic) Link text
  • Milton Friedman

    1976 (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences)
    He believed the government should have minimal intervention in the free market. Believed in school vouchers, getting rid of medical licenses, negative income tax floating exchange rates and a voluntary military. Link text
  • Derrick Bell

    CRT recognizes that racism is engrained in the fabric and system of the American society. This is the analytical lens that CRT uses in examining existing power structures. CRT identifies that these power structures are based on white privilege and white supremacy, which perpetuates the marginalization of people of color.
    Mid 1980's (Critical Race Theory)
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