Pre ww2 map of europe

Causes of WW2: 1919-1939

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a disastrous peace treaty between Germany and the Allies after World War had finished. The main three people present were Woodrow Wilson, President of America, Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France and David George, prime minister of England. The treaty wanted Germany to pay reparations, admit they had started the war and significantly reduce their army. Germany had no say in the treaty and the German people were very upset with the unfair terms.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch:

    The Beer Hall Putsch:
    In 1923 Chancellor Gustav Stresemann decided that after hyperinflation the only thing to do was work with the French and to pay the reparations. Many nationalists saw this as an admission of guilt. Hitler saw this as an opportunity and attempted to overthrow the Weimar government in Munich. Hitler stormed into Beer Hall with 600 soldiers and demanded that they resign. After this a battle broke out, Hitler was caught and charged with Treason.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a severe depression which affected the entire industrialised world. It was caused by factors including the Wall Street Crash, a fall in export prices and sales and a reduction in government capital spending. Unemployment rates were high and countries like the USA took a decade to recover. In Germany millions were out of work; suicide rates were high. Germany’s government could not respond effectively and so many turned towards the NAZI party.
  • The May 15 Incident:

    The May 15 Incident:
    Inukai Tsuyoshi was prime minister of Japan in the early 1930’s. He opposed all that was going in China and tried to intervene and stop Japan from fighting. On May 15th a group of junior navy officers and cadets assassinated him. Although they were sentenced to 15 years jail, the people loved them and opposition was removed.
  • Hitler elected chancellor of Germany:

    Hitler elected chancellor of Germany:
    Hitler had been rising quickly in German politics in 1932. In 1933 the President named Hitler the chancellor of Germany. At first the president did not want Hitler to become chancellor, however he was encouraged to do so by the right wing’s. Hitler immediately began speaking of plan to become a powerful nation once more. At this point Hitler had a large proportion of the German people behind him and no one could stop him.
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    German Rearmament

    Once Hitler had ascended to power, he decided that Germany’s army must be strengthened back to its former glory. Having already breached the terms of the Treaty of Versailles numerous times Hitler also pulled out of the League of Nations and the disarmament conference so the restrictions in place could be ignored. Hitler added one year conscription and planned to have an army of 300,000 men by 1937. He also signed a treaty with Britain to have a navy. By 1935, Germany had an air force.
  • Reoccupation of the Rhineland:

    Reoccupation of the Rhineland:
    The treaty of Versailles stated that Germany must demilitarise the Rhineland, an industrial area of Germany where the river Rhine flows which was also a natural barrier to France. When the NAZI party was in full charge of Germany, Hitler cancelled the military clauses of the Treaty of Versailles and moved soldiers back into the Rhineland.
  • Annexation of Austria:

    Annexation of Austria:
    For the second time in four years, the NAZI’s attempted to take over Austria. When one of the Austrian chancellors discovered of the plot, he set up a meeting with Hitler to tell Hitler that Austria would not join Germany. The chancellor was bullied into nominating three high ranking NAZI officials to his cabinet. The next day when the chancellor was going to get a national vote on the matter, resigned due to threats and the NAZI soldiers marched into Austria.
  • The Tripartite Pact:

    The Tripartite Pact:
    On this date Germany, Italy and Japan made a pact which pledged each country to help one another with all political, economic and military means. The Pact also recognized the two spheres of influence. Italy and Germany would be given leadership to establish a new Europe while Japan be given all of Asia.
  • German Invasion of Poland:

    German Invasion of Poland:
    Having already taken control of Austria and the Rhineland, Hitler turned his sight towards Poland. In the summer of 1939 Hitler signed a treaty with the Soviet Union which stated that Poland would be shared between the two countries. Britain and the Allies finally decided to act and told Germany that they would defend Poland if it was attacked. On the 1st of September 1939 Germany invaded Poland, which was outmatched and defeated in weeks.