Causes of the Civil War Timeline

  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Was an african-american slave who sued for his freedom
  • 1850 Fugitive Slave Act

    1850 Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act was one of the compromises in the Compromise of 1850. The fugitive slave act allowed California to enter the union as a free state and it prohibited slave trade in the district of Columbia.
  • Stowe’s “Uncle Toms Cabin”

    Stowe’s “Uncle Toms Cabin”
    Best-selling novel of the 19th century. It was an anti-slavery novel.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    This term was used to describe how violent it was between pro and anti-slavery forces. They were deciding whether they would be free or slave.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Allowed slavery in the territory north of the 36 degree 30' latitude.
  • Beecher's Bibles

    Beecher's Bibles
    Beecher's Bibles was the name given to the breech who were loading Sharps rifles that were supplied or given to the anti-slavery immigrants who were in Kansas.
  • Raid on Lawrence, Kansas

    Raid on Lawrence, Kansas
    Was an attack that had been rooted in an issue that had been a source of contention since the establishment of the Union-slavery.
  • Brooks-Sumner Incident

    Brooks-Sumner Incident
    Brooks beat Sumner with a wooden cane. Sumner almost died from getting beat so much.
  • Lecompton Constitution

    Lecompton Constitution
    The issue was if the kansas territory would be a free state or a slave state.
  • Freeport Doctrine

    Freeport Doctrine
    The freeport doctrine was Douglas's answer to Lincoln that was telling him that slavery could only exist where there was a slave code.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    Was a series of 7 debates between Lincoln and Douglas.
  • Pottawatomie Massacre

    Pottawatomie Massacre
    People were killed by John Brown and his sons.
  • John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry

     John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
    Brown came into town and captured citizens and federal armory and arsenal. He hoped he could get the local slave population to join the raid and that weapons would be supplied to the slaves.
  • Abraham Lincoln wins Election

    Abraham Lincoln wins Election
    Lincoln won majority of the votes. The Democrats split into two factions, the North and the South. The new Republican party was most likely going to win the election of 1860, and they did. He was nominated as the first presidential candidate because he was moderate on slavery.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    There were four candidates. It was the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the Civil War.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    A secession convention meeting in Charleston, South Carolina unanimously adopted an ordinance dissolving the connection between South Carolina and the United States.