causes of the civil war

  • compromise of 1850

    issue over slavery in land
    David Wilmot proposed no slaves(not passed)
    Henry Clay proposed a 5 part compromise
    CA free state. rest of states would decide slavery issue by popular soverignty
  • uncle toms cabin

    uthor Harriet Beecher Stow researched life for a slave and made a book about it.The impact of the book was that it increased involvment in the abolitmrnt movment in the north
  • bleeding Kansas

    KS an NE were part of the 36 30 line . Disagreements flew around.Decided should be decide by popular sovernty.both decided victory got a goverment and led to violence beetween the 2 groups 1st bloodshell over the issue of slavery
  • dredd scott decision

    a former slave who had died while they lived in a free state. Scott sued saying he should be a free man.
  • Lincon DOuglasDebate

    Lincon gave his Speech o slaves and why we should be equal
    Douglas won the elction with his speech on slaves.
  • raid on harper ferry

    John brown when to virgina harper ferry to get the supplies and give them to slaves. instead him and 10 people from his crew died
  • election of 1860

    the issue of the south should seede was now at the forefront of the polities. Vote was long seetional lines w/ lincon winning 180 out of 303 electoral votes
  • south carolina secedes from the uniooon

  • Florida

  • Alabama

  • Georgia

  • Loousiana

  • Texas

  • Confederate staates of ameerrrrica are formed

  • mississippi