Causes of the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Declared MIssouri a slave state and Maine a free state. Drew a line at the southern boundaries. It balanced out the free and slave states.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Prohibited in land gained from Mexico from having slaves. It made the southerners very mad.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California became a free state. New Mexico could be a free state. Washington D.C. would not allow trading or selling. Made another temporary solution.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    It was a case to free Dred Scott. It freed everyone and slavery became illegal.
  • Uncle Sam's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this book to convince peopl to go against slavery. It really enraged the north and convinced people to work against slavry.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    A bill that states ocould allow slavery by popular sovereighty. Many felt it, and undid the Missouri compromise.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    People who were against slavery and those who supported slavery moved to Kansas to vote. There was a lot of violence. It became a free state. The violence started to grow, it was the first violent crash over slavery.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Stephen Douglas was againts slavery, but believed ut should be up to each state. Lincoln was against slavery, but believed congress couldn't eliminate slavery, but just keep it from proceding.
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown was against slavery. He led a small group of whites to try to capture weapons in Harper's Ferry, Virginia. The goal was to arm slaves. Brown's plan failed and he was captured and tried for treason. Later he was hanged. John Brown became a hero in the North.
  • Lincoln's Election

    People in the north wanted Lincoln to be stricter on slavery. People in the south thought he was their enemy. He was elected president.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina first to secede. They didn't want to be a part of the U.S, they were the first to brake away.