Cause of the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state. The compromise was effective for almost 30 years.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California enters as a free state. Slavery issues were decided by popular sovereignty, a fugitive slave act was made strict
  • Fugitive slave law

    Fugitive slave law
    Law that required citizens to catch runaway slaves, if a person did not comply they could be fined up to $1000 or put in jail for 6 months.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    A novel written by Harriet Becher Stowe, Southerners said the book was filled with lies
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Decided that slavery issue would be decided by Popular Sovereignty, which led to violence in the Senate. Pro-slavery and Anti-slavery settlers in One area, Northerners believe this repeals the Missouri Compromise
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The Court ruled he was not a citizen but rather property, This repealed the Missouri Compromise.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate

    Lincoln-Douglas Debate
    Douglas believed in deciding slavery by popular sovereignty. While Lincoln believed that slavery should not be allowed to spread into the territories. Lincoln also believed the Nation could not survive if the fighting continued to rip the Union apart with the slavery issue.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Southern states did not like Lincoln or what he believed in. They overwhelmingly supported Douglass yet Lincoln still got elected. Many Southerners talked of seceding from the Union.