Cause of the cival war timeline by Jackson cooper & garrett hudyma

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    was a package of five bills which defused a four year confrontation between the slave states of the south and the free states of the north.
  • fugitive slave act of 1850

    fugitive slave act of 1850
    made any federal marshal or any other official who did not arrest runaways slave, a fine of 1000$
  • Stowes "uncle toms cabin"

    Stowes "uncle toms cabin"
    anti slavery novel by american author harriet feature toey. the novel helped lay the ground work for the civil war.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    It allowed people in the territories of kansas and nebraska to decide for themselves weather or not to allow slavery within there borders
  • beechers bibles

    beechers bibles
    It was the name given to the breech loading sharps rifles that were supplied to the anti slavery immigrants in kansas.
  • Brooks-summer incident

    Brooks-summer incident
    Several days after a speech, Brooks approached Sumner at his desk in the Senate chamber during a recess, raised a heavy cane, and began beating him on the head and shoulders. Sumner, trapped in his chair, rose in agony with such strength that he tore the desk from the bolts holding it to the floor. Then he collapsed, bleeding and unconscious.
  • Pottawatomie massacre

    Pottawatomie massacre
    John Brown and a group of abolitionist settlers killed five settlers north of pottawatomie creek in franklin county kansas.
  • lecomton Constitution

    lecomton Constitution
    It was the second of four proposed constitiuions for the state of kansas. the document was written in response to the anti slavery position of the 1855 topeka constituion of James H. lane and other free-state advocates.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
    A series of seven debates between lincoln and douglas to see whos party would win control of the illinois legislature
  • Freeport doctrine

    Freeport doctrine
    licoln tried to force douglas to choose between the principle of popular sovereighty proposed by the kansas nebraska act and the majority decision of the united states supreme court in the case of dred scott versus sandford, which stated slavery could not legally be excluded from us territories.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    he was born a slave so the birth is not known.The dred scott decision was when he unsuccessfully sewed for his freedom and for his wife and two daughters. he died september 17, 1858.
  • John brown's raid on harpers ferry

    John brown's raid on harpers ferry
    it was an attempt a white abolitionist named john brown to start a armed slave revolt by seizing a united states arsenal at harpers ferry in virginia
  • Abraham Lincoln Wins Election!

    Abraham Lincoln Wins Election!
    Abraham wins the election in the republican party against John C. breckinridge who was a southern democrat
  • South carolina secedes

    South carolina secedes
    It became the first southern state to declare its secession and later formed the confederates
  • Bleeding kansas

    Bleeding kansas
    kansas was admitted to union as a free state, less then three months before the battle of fort sumter which began the cival war
  • Raid on Lawrence, Kansas

    Raid on Lawrence, Kansas
    Also known as quantraill's raid. was a rebel guerrilla attack, during the u.s civil war by quantrail's raiders on the pro union town of lawrence kansas