Cause of the American Revolution

  • French and indian war

    The war end in Feb, 6 1763. Paris made a treaty. I think that the British Government would be some what mad because what if they were losing the battle.
  • The End of the French and Indian War

    The war end in Feb, 6 1763. Paris made a treaty. I think that the British Government would be some what mad because what if they were losing the battle. I think that this could affect the people that lost cause they would have to give money to help the army to try to win the battle
  • Pontiac Rebellion

    The Rebellion started when the confederacy of the native american soldier that were under the ottawa chief of the pontica attacks the british force in Detroit. After all of the failing to take the fort over in their initial assault the Pontiac's forces had made up the ottawas and they had to reinforced by the wyandots and ojibwas.
  • Suger Act

    In april 5 1764 parliament had passed an modified version of the sugar act and molasses act which the act happen in 1733 and was about to expire. I think that this would affect are ecomny is that maybe their will be something that has a shortage to.
  • Currency Act

    All of the colonies where suffered a constant of a shortage of the currency with the trade. I think that this could affect the people cause their would be a trade shortage to they could trade for cloth are anything.
  • Stamp act Congress

    All of the nines colonies all met at New York. To Drew up a statement, like right and grievances. They brought all of the colonies together to opposition to britain.
  • TownShend

    is was caused by granting several duties that were in the british colonies and also in the plantation in america. It started in june 29. The Taxes were imposed to be able to help make the colonial officials the their independent. That include glass,paper and tea. There were smugglers that had increased their happening.
  • The Boston Massacre

    was a street fight. It happen on March 5. There were seven British soldier that were killed because of the street fight. I think that this could affect the people. Cause what if their is another out break and they can not control it. I think that the reason that the people did this to that they wanted their freedom.
  • Boston Massarce Trial

    In the end of March in 1770 three weeks after the boston massacre a grand jury did have a redacted named captain Preston his men as well a four civilians had accused of firing from t a window of a customs house
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party famed act of the american colonial defiance as they served as a protect against the taxation. There were seeking the boost of the troubled in east india of the company, british.
  • Lexing and Concord

    There was a lot of tension between the 13 american colonies and the British authorities, the battle took place in Massachusetts. There were hundred of british troop that marched their way down to concord.