Catching fire nov20mn

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (391)

  • Chapter 1-Chapter 3 3-30 (27)

    Katniss goes home to the Victor Village and her mom tells her that someone is here to see you. As Katniss walks down the hallway into a closed room. Inside the closed room President Snow is waiting for he. Katniss didn't expect him to be in her house.
  • Chapter 3 - Chapter 5 30-63 (33)

    Katniss and Peeta prepare for the Victor tour. As they arrive at District 11, Katniss thinks of Rue. Peeta gives a lovely speech to the people that have gathered to see them and they recieve plaques. Before they leave Katniss decides to talk about Thresh and Rue who were District 11's tributes to the Hunger Games.
  • Chapter 5 - Chapter 7 63-90 (27)

    Katniss and Haymitch discuss with Peeta what President Snow talked about with Katniss when he came to visit her. Peeta was angry that they did not tell him sooner. A little later they all get ready for the dinner that was being held in District 11's Justice building. Peeta proposes to Katniss on Ceaser Flickermans show. Katniss says yes.
  • Chapter 7 - Chapter 9 90-120 (30)

    Katniss and Peeta return home from the Victor tour and have another dinner at their Mayors house. The day after that thye have a harvest festival. Katniss goes to a lake that is far out in the woods where her father and her used to go. She makes a trail for Gale who shows up not too happy, Katniss explains everything that has happened and why it has happened. She asks him to run away with her.
  • Chapter 9 - Chapter 11 120-151 (31)

    Katniss goes into the woods back to the lake but she is stopped by the sound of a gun and a woman standing behind her. After explanation Katniss meets the girl with gun and another girl who is with her. Their names are Trill and Bonnie. They have excaped from District 8 after an uprising happened. They are heading to District 13. Which is strange because there is no more District 13.
  • Chapter 19 - Chapter 22 267-310 (43)

    All of the Tributes are put back into the arena but it is a lot different. There seems to be what look like a big ocean and an island that has a forest of trees once you get onto land. Katniss and Peeta become allies with a Tribute name Finnick Odair and a Tribute named Mags. Mags is an old lady so Finnick has to carry her a lot. At night there is very thinck fog that engulfs everything and seems to be seeping into their skin and messing with their minds and bodies. Mags runs in the fog and dies
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    Chapter 22 - Chapter 25 311-355 (44)

    Katniss thinks about what the Tribute, Wiress, is talking about a clock. There seems to be a clock in the center of the arena. Every hour birngs a new horror. The tributes decide to map out what happens at every hour so they know where to stay and what to do.
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    Chapter 25 - Chapter 27 (end) 355-391 (36)

    Thr tributes try to figure out a way to use a wire that Beetee carries around witih him. They decide to tie it around the lighting tree and run it down to the beach so they can try and kill the remaining tributes that they can't find. Things get complicated when the other tributes start to hunt Katniss and Johanna when they are taking the wire to the water. Some thigns happen and Katniss is saved by a claw. After awhile she learns what everyones plan was.