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The Evolution of Cameras

  • Johann Zahn Invents the First Camera

    Johann Zahn Invents the First Camera
    Johann Zahn was the first to invent the camera back in 1685. Thought he wasn't the first to take the picture on the camera, but the camera was too big to take multiple photos on. So, people started working more on cameras to take more photos.
  • Henry Fox Talbot Invents the Calotype

    Henry Fox Talbot Invents the Calotype
    The calotype, also called the talbotype, was the early photographic technique invented by Henry Fox Talbot. In this technique, a sheet of paper coated with silver chloride would expose to light to make a picture.
  • Hamilton Smith Creates the Tintype

    Hamilton Smith Creates the Tintype
    The tintype is a photograph made by creating a direct positive on a thin sheet of metal coated with dark lacquer or enamel and used as the support of photographic emulsion.
  • The First Camera with Color

    The First Camera with Color
    The first camera that had a color photo was invented by Maxwell James Clerk, Auguste Lumiere, Thomas Sutton, and Louis Lumiere. Maxwell created the image with the help of Thomas.
  • George Eastman Creates the Kodak

    George Eastman Creates the Kodak
    In 1888, George sold his first camera, the Kodak, that had 100 exposures. The Kodak was also the first film camera to be made.
  • The Polaroid was created

    The Polaroid was created
    The Polaroid was created by Edwin H. Land. Edwin first demonstrated the instant camera in New York on February 21st, 1947.
  • Camera's of Today

    Camera's of Today
    Today, there are numerous cameras that are used, but the technology is a lot better than 100 years ago. Now you can take a whole bunch of pictures. Also, you can use black and white or colored pictures.