Bush v. Gore

By Carzon
  • Florida

    Counties selected in Florida to recount could not complete in time.
  • Injunction

    Gore and Palm Beach county filed a unjunction against Secretary Harris to prevent her from certifying the election until the 3 other counties could finish counting.
  • Supreme Court

    Florida Supreme court issued the injunction on the 17th, and on the 21st ruled that Harris must allow untill the 26th to finish recounts
  • Certified Votes

    Secretary harris certified the elections for Bush, with Gore behind by 537 votes.
  • Sued

    Gore sues Harris saying that the votes were illegitimate.
  • Supreme Court

    in 5-4 Curiam, ruled that the florida Supreme Court recount order was unconstitutional because it granted some ballots more protectionthen others. Even then, there was no time for Florida to recount the votes, so Bush became the defacto winner.