brayden timeline

By bhopm1
  • Dec 5, 1091

    hipparchu s of nicea

    hipparchu s of nicea
    hipparchu is known as the founder of observational astromy he discovered and catalouged more than 1000 stars
  • Jul 25, 1473

    nicolause copernichus

    nicolause copernichus
    copernichus proposed that the earth orbited the sun de revo lutionibus orbium coelestium contradicting the long held ptolmic belife that the sun orbitede the earth this lay the ground work for galilo and kelper
  • Jul 25, 1546

    tycho brahe

    tycho brahe
    brahe chronicled the superneva of 1572 he plotted the motion of the comet of 1577 brahe acurtly plotted motions of planets and these observations were used by kepler
  • Jul 25, 1564

    galilo galilei

    galilo galilei
    galilo identified some of the stars in the milkk way discovered sunspots and measuered the suns rotation he observed venus phases discovered four moons of jupiter observed lunar features and measuered lunar wobble galilio supported the copernican system of planatery movement through his observes.
  • Sep 26, 1571

    johannes kepler

    johannes kepler
    using brahes precise data kepler derived his three laws of planatery elliptical motion he also provided an explanation of optical image formation throgh small apertures
  • johannes hevelius

    johannes hevelius
    an accomplished instrament maker hevelius developed a catalouge of star positions and a celestial atlas he also discoverd four comets and was the first to observe a tran sit of mecury
  • giovanni cassini

    giovanni cassini
    cassini measuered the rotations of mars and jupiter cassini also investigated atmospheric refraction (the reason the sky is blue during the daytime on earth).
  • edmond halley

    edmond halley
    edmond halley the astromapher royal discoverd omega centuri (a distant star) and paid for publishing of newtons pricipa using newton gravitational law he predicted the comet of 1682 would return in 76 years halley invented the idea of using the transits of mercury and venus to determain e distance from earth to the sun
  • claudias ptolemy

    claudias ptolemy
    through his almagest ptolmey constructed an accurate geocentric model of the solar system consisting of a series of paths that was followed for 15 centrys only changeing with copernicus work
  • william herschel

    william herschel
    herschel is the discovrer of uranus and several satelities os saturn and uranus he discoverd that some double stars orbit each other herschel ids credited with the discovery of infrared radiation he attempted to map milky ways shape and is known for building state of the art telescopes
  • henrich olbers

    henrich olbers
    olbers discovered several comets and researched for a missing planet between mars and jupiter he did not discover a new planet but instead discovered the meteor belt whitch lies between mars and jupiter
  • george hale

    george hale
    The first astrophysific hale invented the specttrohegragh allowing photograghy of solar prominces in daylight . he also discoverd magnegnic fields in sun spots and planned and completed the 200-inch mt palomare telescope
  • sir arthur eddington

    sir arthur eddington
    eddington discovered the stellar mass brightness relationship he also formulated the eddington limit which relates a stars maximum luminnosy to its gravitatioonal force
  • edwin hubble

    edwin hubble
    hubble is responsable for the creation of a classification system of galaxyies he showed that galaxies were moving away from us at speeds that increased the further away they were
  • gerard kuiper

    gerard kuiper
    kuiper is hailed as being the first planetary scientist he was able to detect methane on titan and carbon dioxide on mars he is best known for identifiying the comet-like debris of kuipers belt at the edge of the solar system