BP Oil Spill

  • 4th trip

    President Obama makes a fourth trip to the gulf.
  • $20b

    BP announces it will place $20bn in a fund to compensate victims of the oil spill and says it will not pay a shareholder dividend this year.
  • Effects

    The oil ended up reaching all gulf coast states in theU.S.
  • Oil stops leaking

    President Barack Obama hails "a positive sign".
  • Cleanup

    Only a fifth of all spilled oil was actually cleaned out of the water
  • Size

    The US government says the oil spill is officially the biggest leak ever, with 4.9 million barrels of oil leaked.
  • Grants

    The companies responsible granted $319 million in compensation.
  • Costs

    The cost of the spill added up to be $8 million.
  • Blame

    BP blames other companies for the spill.
  • Beginning

    On 20 April, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico.