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Bonny's U.S. History Timeline

By bonny
  • May 17, 1492

    Cristopher Columbus Landing in the New World

    Cristopher Columbus Landing in the New World
    Columbus lands in an island near America, now known as the Bahamas. He sailed to find India, but instead found America.
  • May 17, 1500

    The Spanish Empire

    The Spanish Empire
    Two conquistadors, Hernan Cortez and Fransisco Pizzaro claimed land in America. They started a trade with the natives around the area, trading goods for gold. Nowadays, people often tell the story that the natives were used as slaves.
  • May 17, 1534

    New France

    New France
    Jacques Cartier was sent by the French to explore the Atlantic coastline of North America. He failed to do his job, but fortunately found land that nowadays we know as Canada.
  • Period: to

    The Lost Colony of Roanoke

    Sir Walter Raleigh, an English noble, sent a second group of colonists to Roanoke, after failing his first attempt. They arrived. but John White, their leader, sailed back to England for more supplies. When White came back, the colonists couldn't be found, and the words "Croatoan" carved on a doorpost is still an unexplained mystery.
  • Jamestown: The First English Colony

    Jamestown: The First English Colony
    John Cabot was inspired by Columbus, so he sailed to find his own route to Asia, when he found Jamestown. The English Colony settled in Jamestown and had a rough relationship with the natives around the area. Once, they even refused to trade, which caused the Starving Time
  • Period: to

    The Starving Time

    The natives around the English settlement, Jamestown, refused to trade. This caused the people to starve, then they eagerly ate other rodents and even human corpses. This was a period of forced starvation by the natives. About 400 colonists died.
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    An English sailor, Henry Hudson, discovered a rich river, which he claimed, and the area around it, for the Netherlands. The Dutch West India Company sent people to start a colony in this region, called New Netherlands. Later on, Peter Minuit served as the governer and had a positive peaceful relationship with the natives around.
  • Peter Minuit as Governer

    Peter Minuit as Governer
    The Dutch West India Company sent Peter Minuit to New Netherland as the colony's governer. Not only did Minuit serve a peaceful relationship with the Natives, he also offered a trade, $24 for their land, which may sound foolish.
  • New York

    New York
    After the English took charge of New Netherlands, they renamed the land as New York. (Named after James, The Duke of York) The Duke shared a vast amount of land to his fellow mates, Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley, who established the colony of New Jersey. New York is one of the first colonies to establish democracy. Present day New York is a very fine place to live, with fine weather and a lot of jobs.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    King George used the Appalachian Mountains as a border to divide the settlers and the Indians from each other. The colonies were in the east and the Indians were in the west of the mountains. Colonists argued that the lands west of the mountais were already mostly settled and that the King's order suggested tyranny. The British Government ignored thse arguments and expanded the British army in America to 7,500 men.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Colonists had to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used. They protested saying "No taxation without representation." Sons of Liberty was formed during this period. Loyalists refused to buy stamps while patriots took more violent actions. The British then repealed the stamp act, and the colonists celebrated.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    People had to feed and furnish the soldiers. They protested against the act, the colonists saw this act as another way the British could tax them. The New York Assembly voted against providing soldier with stuff, unfortunately the Parliament didn't let them meet. The British did not repeal the act.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    Charles Townshend (The next British leader) placed a duty, or tax, on certain goods the colonies imported from Britain, to simply get more money. The colonists were unhappy about this, and they refused to pay the taxes. The colonists boycotted British goods. Women avoided buying British imports. The British lost a good deal of money by this boycotting.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    Lord North lowered the cost of tea that was sold from the British East India Company. He basically gave the BEIC complete control over tea sales in the colonies (a monopoly). The colonists saw the act as another attempt to tax them without their consent. Merchants were alarmed by the BEIC's monopoly over the tea trade.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts are a series of laws that the patriots dubbed "intolerable." These series of laws were made to keep colonists in check. It was sort of like an immature payback from the British to the colonists "tea throwing." Colonists united to find a peaceful solution to the conflicts with Great Britain. Delegates agreed to send a respectful message to King George. They also called for another boycott of British goods until the Parliament decides to repeal the Intolerable Acts.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The British soldiers marched to Bunker Hill, where George Washington set up defense on two hills. Surprisingly, the colonists managed to held off the British soldiers three times, but eventually had to retreat because of lack of gunpowder. More than 1000 British troops were killed, and nearly half that many Americans were killed.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    In the second continental congress, John Adams, from the colony of Massachusetts, proposed to the continental congress to create an army of their own. This army would include soldiers from every colony that makes up the "13 United States of America." The congress voted on a commander in chief, and George Washington has been decided to lead the army. This vote, was unanimous. Washington said that it would be his pleasure to lead the army.
  • The Siege of Boston (The British Abandon Boston)

    The Siege of Boston (The British Abandon Boston)
    General George Washington started a rumor that the Americans had more than 1800 barrels of gunpowder, in truth they had only 36 barrels. He then sent Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga, an "American" conquered British fort, to get guns and more bullets. The British then abandoned Boston after seeing the sight of colonists with guns and cannons surrounding the city of Boston. The British then fled to Canada, in order to be safe from the sudden attack of the colonists, thanks to Washington.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    In July 1774, the Congress sent a petition ( a peaceful letter requesting to end the quarrel). When the petition reached London, the British declared that all colonists were traitors and shall be treated as traitors.
  • The Declaraton of Independence

    The Declaraton of Independence
    The Continental Congress met up to write a declaration of independence. The task of drafting went to the youngest member, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. His job was to explain the reasons of the break up. His explanation was simple, but revolutionary (in the textbook). He thought that people were all equal (or supposed to be). He included all of the King's crimes and actionas that harmed the colonists. It was signed by all 13 colonists' leaders, but before, it was revised by J.A and G.W.
  • The Battle of New York

    The Battle of New York
    The British and the Americans fought in Brooklyn, New York. Due to the lack of knowledge and experienced that the Americans had, they had to retreat from the battle and give this battle over to the British. The Americans lost a lot of men, and the British only lost a few compared to the loss of the Americans.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    Only months after the defeat of the Americans in New York, and the British about to win the war, Thomas Paine expressed his feelings about the war and how the Americans should keep being strong against the British through his magnificent pamphlet, "The Crisis." Early morning after Christmas, George Washington and his men took on a surprise attack on the "partied, happy, lazy to wake up" British.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    General Burgoyne made a stupid mistake of fighting against the Americans in Saratoga Springs. The British were outnumbered, and the Americans kept strong. Burgoyne accepted defeat. This battle, after the victory in Trenton, spoke to the Americans, and gave them hope that they might win the war.
  • Ratifications of the Articles of Confederation

    Ratifications of the Articles of Confederation
    The articles of confederation is the first constitution and plan of government of the U.S. The document gave more power to the people than it gave to the national government because they were scared of another King George scenario. The articles were also made to keep a firm relationship among the states after the war. Ratification was delayed due to problems with representation and etc.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    After a long hit-and-raid game played by the Americans, General Cornwallis and his men were taking a rest in Yorktown, when the Americans decided to trap them. With the French warships closing in the harbor, Cornwallis had no hope of being rescued by sea. General Cornwallis surrendered. The Americans had won another battle.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The representatives of Britain, France, and America signed a piece treaty in Paris, in order to avoid opponents land. The three major agreements were; 1. British would recognize America (U.S.) as an independent nation. 2. Britain give America the land that ranges from Canada to South Florida. 3. America (U.S) return all the taken properties of the loyalists during the war. The treaty gave the Americans freedom and independence.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    The articles of confederation faced its first problem. All the farmers had to repay their debts and soon their money and land were gone. Daniel Shay, a farmer from Massachussetts led a rebellion. They attacked courthouses so that they can't approve the laws and also attacked arsenals to gain control of the weapons.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    People recognized the flaws of the articles of confederation, so they then regrouped and met together in Philadelphia to simply address problems, but that didn't meet their expetations. James Madison, called the father of the convention because of his notes that he took during the convention wanted a whole new constitution. Then came along the new U.S constitution.
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

    Ratification of the U.S. Constitution
    The new constitution gave the national government more power than the states. The Bill of rights was added to convince states that disafgreed like New York and Virginia. Several articles were added to convince Rhode Island and North Carolina. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments. The constitution also formed a new plan of government, with three branches; Judicial - the supreme court, Legislative - two houses of congress, and finally Executive - led by the president to execute laws.
  • The Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase
    President Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy the Lousiana territory, including the mississippi region for farmers. He bought the territory for $15 million. Jefferson was lucky because French was in war with Britain and that they lost a lot of people. They didn't need Lousiana.
  • Spain Gives Florida to the U.S.

    Spain Gives Florida to the U.S.
    Florida was under Spain's control. Preisdent Monroe sent Andrew Jackson to attack Florida to stop all raids happening there, but not to invade there. Despite being told not to, he invaded Florida and attacked the Spanish settlers. After this, there was an awkward silence between the two nations. Spain didn't want to mess with U.S, so they sold Florida to the U.S for $5 mil.
  • Missouri Applied for Statehood as a Slave State (Northeners Upset)

    Missouri Applied for Statehood as a Slave State (Northeners Upset)
    Northeners opposed this because slavery was banned west and north of Missouri. Above ohio river was the free slave states. Northeners were worried that slavery would spread northward, and that representation wouldn't be equal (12 slave states - 11 free states) This resulted into the Missouri compromise, which didn't help at all, and added confusion between the two sides.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    President Jackson and the Manifest Destiny - brainwashed people wanted the Cherokees and the other native indian tribes to leave their territory and head west to the reservations. Some tribes refuesd to go west, like the Sac and Fox tribe of Illinois, led by Black Hawk. Well, lets say that the had two choices. 1. To leave, or 2. To be forced to leave. Yeah, pretty good and fair choices there.
  • The "Trailf of Tears"

    The "Trailf of Tears"
    Due to Jackson's Indian removal act, the Cherokee trive had to move to the west. 17,000 Cherokees were driven out of their houses and left Georgia. They then had to walk 900 miles west to their reservation. The picture is over-exaggerating a bit, the situation was worse. Over than 4,000 people died. This trail is known as the tragic "Trail of Tears."
  • Texas is Annexed

    Texas is Annexed
    Texas was indpenedent for 10 years after the Mexicans gave the land to the Tejanos and the American settlers after fights. The Mexicans let the Americans to start their colony, but the Americans were used to governing themselves, so they had a lot of complaints. Mexicans couldn't stand it, and so they fought. The U.S. then annexed texas to continue its westward expansion. Even though if they had to risk war with Mexico, considering their westward expanding power, Mexico wouldn't stand a chance.
  • Oregon Treaty

    Oregon Treaty
    Britain had control of the Oregon territory. U.S wanted Oregon. Instead of creating another battle between the two nations, they created the 49th parallel, a treaty. They divided Oregon into two. America got the southern part of Oregon and the rest is for Britain. Pioneers moved to Oregon. The trail that the pioneers took is so famous, there is even a game about it.
  • War With Mexico

    War With Mexico
    Mexico fired the first shot in April 25th og the year 1846, the two nations declared war. America, of course, was the stronger side. Hypnotized by the manifest destiny, the Americans gained California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Colorado from Mexico. In return, they paid Mexico $15 mil. They then created the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the Rio Grande became the new border between states
  • California Applied for Admission as a Free State

    California Applied for Admission as a Free State
    Southerners opposed admitting California as a free state because it would be unfair in balance of power and representation between the north and the south. The Northeners welcomed more free states. This caused the whole confusion with the Missouri compromise, soon to make representation equal, Mexico (Texas) became a slave state.
  • Fugitive Slave Law (Southerners Upset)

    Fugitive Slave Law (Southerners Upset)
    Southerners were upset with the way the Fugitive Slave Law was enforced because the people in the South wanted the return of their stolen property, the law didn't do enough to return their slaves. Again, the concept of using "property" as a way to describe slaves kicked in.
  • The Kansas - Nebraska Act (Northeners Upset)

    The Kansas - Nebraska Act (Northeners Upset)
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act stated that the issue of slavery in those territories would be decided by popular sovereignty. Both pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces rushed ti the territories to vote. Northeners were upser because they were scared that slavery would spread North, while southerners found a chance to increase slave territories.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The Civil War was a battle fought between the Confederacy and the Union. There were a lot of disagreements between the two parts, but slavery was the major controversy across the whole nation. When Abraham Lincoln was elected as president, the South states, followed by the lead of North Carolina, seceeded. There was no blood until the Southern states attacked Fort Sumter. Eventually, the North won, and slaves were free in the Confederate stataes.