Birth of the American Republic

  • The Sugar Act

    In 1764, British was spending so much money on wars so they decided to take action so they ended up passing the Stamp and Sugar act. This forced colonist to pay for things such as news papers and pamphlets, and it imposed imported taxes. This upsetter colonist as they were losing their money to wars they didn't want to join in the first place. This contributed to the birth of the American Republic because it caused colonist to fight these taxes and get rid of these unfair acts.
  • The Massacre on Boston

    A crowd of colonist were protesting the reign of Britain. In the act of protesting the crowd was pelting the British soldiers with snowballs and rocks, when one of the soldiers got hit, grew upset and fired a shot into the crowd. All of a sudden ll the soldiers started to fire into the crowd, killing 5 colonist. This event changed American history because everyone in Boston found out what the British were doing, and decided to help protest and join the drive for freedom.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    Many colonist disagreed with the Boston Tea Act and the new Sugar Act. It was a matter of time before conflict happened. In 1773 a group of colonist who were upset with the British's new acts, snuck onto a British ship and hurled a cargo full of tea into the Boston harbor to protest the act on tea. This led to the birth of America because it showed the British that the colonist weren't going to abide by their Acts, this made the British grow angry, and led to other conflicts later in the years.
  • Colonist Declare Independence

    In 1776, the second continental congress made massive step in the right direction, a step that would bring America a lot closer to independence from Britain. The Continental Congress created the Declaration of Independence. This document also had some ideas of authors like John Locke, which basically stated people had the right to abolish a unjust government. This basically gave people the right to impeach a unfair ruler. This in its own was probably the biggest moment in American Revolution.
  • The Battle That Changed It All

    In 1777, the colonist marched into the Battle of Saratoga. Without having a victory yet, this battle would pay a visit role in whether the colonist would be able to defeat the British or not. After beating the British in the battle of Saratoga, the Americans not only gained confidence for the next battles, they also got the France to form an alliance with them and help them battle the British in war. The French brought trained soldiers and huge war ships, this changed history forever.