Biography Timeline

By s021252
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    Everything began in 1983. Raina was 3 years old. She was lonely and bored. She asked her parents if she could have a sister to play with.
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    It was 1983. Raina was 3 years old. She was going camping with her parents. She was picking blackberries from bushes until she stepped on a dead snake thinking it was alive. From then on she had a fear of snakes.
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    It was 1984. Raina was almost 4 years old. Her sister was born. Her name was Amara.
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    It was 1988. Raina was 8 years old. Amara was 5. The family pet Leeland died.
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    It was 1988. Raina found out that her dad got fired from his job as a computer programmer. The family became low on money.
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    It was 1989. Raina just turned 9. Her baby brother, Will Teglemeir, was just born. He was named after the will of god.
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    It was 1994. Raina was 14 years old. The family just started a road trip from California to Colorado for a family reunion. Raina's dad drove in a different car.
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    It was 1994. Raina was 14. She arrived at a family reunion in Colorado. She met her cousin Lindsay for the first time in 10 years but she realised things are not how they used to be. Their relationship changed a lot over time.
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    It was 1994. Raina and Amara were in Colorado.They got into a big fight and both end up sad and upset
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    It was 1994. The family was driving from Colorado to California, where they live. Raina's mom and brother go on the road to get help while Raina and Amara are stuck in the car together. They unexpectedly bond over their feelings, and then work together to capture a snake in the car.